State drama chapter 4

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"So we're gonna be introduced?" Josie, also known as South Carolina, asked.

"Yea, they are totally forcing the hero to do so! It's not fair!" Alfred pouted, childishly crossing his arms across his chest. But then he quickly put them back on the wheel.

Currently, they were all on a bus heading for D.C. And good grief it was hectic. Georgia and Florida were playing around with food, Delaware was glaring at his younger sister New York who was poking him, and who knows what the other states/Territories where doing. Oh, and little miss Maryland was running a fever, which meant she was super clingy to Alfred.

It was just great. -___-;

"Daddy, are we there yet?" A long drawn out voice asked.

"No, Virginia, we are, for the 35th time, NOT THERE!"Alfred snapped, keeping his eyes on the road. Seriously. "Hey, John, take the wheel. I'm gonna put Maryland in bed." Shoving his eldest in the drivers seat, making the bus swerve alittle.

"WHAT?!" John screamed, and took control of the wheel. "DONT DO THAT!" Delaware yelled, and continued driving.

Alfred took the small and frail body of a certain Marylander, and laid her on the built in cot. She in return, whined and pulled on his jacket for him to stay.

"Stay pwease?" She looked up at him with these big green eyes, and he was defeated. Alfred sighed and sat next to the sick state. Apparently the flu was an epidemic at her house. Shaking his head he caressed the sick child's forehead. She coughed like she was drowning. It broke his heart to see the normally healthy child in such a weak state.

"Pa, I think we're here." Georgia exclaimed, looking at the big city. His eyes glued to the skyscrapers.

"WAH! It's so pretty!" North Carolina, exclaimed.

"Shut it Nichole, or you'll wake up Mel." Connecticut scolded his younger sister.

"Both Harry and Nicky fight so I can be superior by dissing them both~" Nile said, smirking at the two. Harry glared at his younger brother. Nicky blinked at her twin, before slapping him.

"SHUT IT NEW HAMPSHIRE!" They said in union, glaring at the France look alike.

"Ohonhonhon~" he laughed, walking away from the two.

"Ahem." Alfred said, looking at the trio. The three winced and looked sheepish.

"Sorry." They said, and sat down quietly.

15 minutes passed and the bus lurched to a stop. They all filed out neatly, Alfred carrying Maryland out last.

"Veee~ America are these your bambinos~?" Italy said, looking at the states and offering them pasta. America grinned and nodded.

"Yep! All 53 of'm!" He happily bellowed. Italy smiled and went over to Maryland, before frowning.

"What's wrong with this Bella~?" He asked, moving her hair out of her face. Alfred sighed,

"She has a flu epidemic at her place." He explained, following his states into the building.

"Aw~ Poor Bella~" he said, patting her fore head. "Veeeeee~ there's doitsu~ bye America~" and with that, Veneziano skipped off to Germany.

Time skip- Meeting room.

"DADDY! Mikey is eating all my cupcakes again!"

"Daddy! I'm cold!"

Alfred's eye twitched in annoyance. Apon seeing this, the children shut up and sat quietly.

"Alright. We have important matter to attend to. But first, Americas children." Germany said, walking to the head of the meeting table. "First up, Delaware."

Gah! I'm sorry it took so long for meh to update! Writers block + Illness are not a good combination! D: I don't own Hetalia

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