Chapter Three

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Rayna's POV

Weeks passed. Normal things are happening, normal things except the group of guys who're always staring at us. I don't know what's their problem. They are really weird.

I am tapping my pen on my desk when our teacher speaker, "So, I think guys, you already know each other right?"

"Yes." We answered

"Good. Now we're having our Classroom Election--excuse me for awhile." She excused when someone at the door called her.

"Hey guys! Let's plan it now!" Jessie said.

"Who would be the president?" Rissa asked.

"I vote George!" They all laughed because George's behavior is opposite to a president. While George only glaredd at them.

"Serephina must be!" I was shocked when my name was included.

"Yeah!" Someone agreed.

"No!" One of the group of guys said. Christian?

"Why? She's responsible and--"

"She must be the muse." Grey said.

"No!" Althea disagreed while I'm just listening to them.

"Now you explain, why?"


"Because president is more important than muse." Partner said straightly.

"Okay, what's the commotion about?"

"Nothing, ma'am." They answered while going back to their seats.

"Now, we will start from the President. The nomination for president is now open."

"Any nominations?" She asked.

"Ma'am!" Dave called.

"Yes, Dave?"

"I vote George!" I can hear small laughs.

"Any other nominations?" Ma'am asked after righting George's name at the whiteboard.

"Yes, Priya." I wasn't aware that partner was raising her hand.

"I vote Serephina." As expected.

And they nominated others.

"The nomination for President is now closed.

"I second the motion." Said Priya.

"Who's in favor of, George?" Only Dave raised his hand, even George didn't voted himself.

"Who's in favor of Serephina?" I felt lots of hand raised when I raised my hand.

"29/34, majority. Serephina is now our president. Get a paper, Serephina, write down the names who will be voted most and also, help me to handle this election." So
I did.

When the nomination for Vice President came, I nominated Priya! Unfortunately, she lost and that Rage won. Tss.

But still there's Secretary! I nominated her and ma'am tested her penmanship. She didn't failed, she's penmanship is very clean and neat. Very readable.

That's why, she's our secretary.

When the nomination for muse came, I don't know but I felt nervous.

"Any nominations?" I asked calmly and many raised their hand.

"Uhm, Serephina? Only let boys to nominate." So I told them and the raising hands were diminished.

"Yes Grey?" I called.

"I nominate you." He said.

"Ma'am, is it alright? I'm already the president."

"It depends on you and the class. If the class will agree and if you can."

"We agree!" They shouted. Isn't it cruelness?

"They agreed, Serephina. Can you?" I imagined many situations I might experience in having two positions. I sighed.

"I can." And they shouted. They're all acting weird.

"So, any other nominations?" I asked again. But no one raised their hand.

"Why? There's so many pretty girls here." But silence didn't left.

"And also smar--"

"But you're stunning." He said while looking at me. I swallowed hard because of his straight glares.

"Uh-ehem. S-so, the nomination for muse is now closed."

"I second the motion." He said still looking at me like that.

"Ayieee!" They teased and partner's voice is obvious.

"So are muse is Serephina!" Partner said.

And then, escort election came.

"I nominate Christian."

"I nominate Grey."

"I nominate Rage." That's Partner. She's planning something.

"I nominate, Nathan." So I listed their names and we started the voting.

The score is very tie.

Christian- 7
Grey- 5
Rage- 11
Nathan- 11

"Were you included, Serephina?" Ma'am asked.

"Not yet ma'am."

"Better vote now."

I can feel partner's plan. Something bad plan. Hmmm.

So, to make Rage lose, I'll vote Nathan. But where is he?

I tried to look at him, and he's handsome. His face is very unique. He looks like, Jungkook a lot. A very shy Jungkook. He's handsome so it's alright to vote him. He's more handsome than Rage though.

I erased the another number one and wrote number two.

"So our escort now is, Nathan!" I said while smiling at partner. She looks pissed.

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