Chapter Six

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Serephina's POV

The early I came, the late I would be back home.

It's already 6:30 pm but still I'm here at the rooftop waiting for Priya. I know, she's my best friend and she won't left me here. Maybe, something just happened.

My body shivered as the wind blew. It's really cold and silent here. But I remained waiting for her. I tried to go back home but I thought, what if she's already going here and she won't see anyone waiting for her?

That's why I'm still here.

I gasped when I heard three steps from the stairs. I waited for another step but nothing happened. I am confused.


I gasped again when the elevator opened. I waited for someone inside it but it's empty. The elevator will only move and stay to a place when a person would press it. Did someone?

But, I'm the only one here.

The elevator closed and the wind blew hard and my hair flew.

Again, I heard steps, many steps. Maybe, it's already her.

I acted sleeping for her to pity me but she lifted me up.


He lifted me up.

I opened my eyes and I saw him.


"I knew it. Acting sleeping huh?"

"Let go of me! Priya is waiting for me!"

"No, she's not."

"Huh! How did you know? And, argh! Let me gooo!"

Instead of letting me go, he tightened his arms. I can smell his perfume, I can also feel his muscles, wait what? Muscles?

"Kyaaaaah!" I screamed while wagging my legs.

"Stop! Will you?!" I stopped and looked at him straightly and he also did.

"Kyaaah!" I continued.

"Shut up or else I'll kiss you!" He said with his face very near to mine.

"Old fake lines." I said and was about to continue my scream when he really, really, did it.

He really kissed me.

I was in shock for a moment. He's eyes are calmly closed while     my eyes are wide open.


I was blinded by the fast flash.

"Shit!" Rage said. Did someone caught a picture of us? Holy--

"Now, let go of me."

Instead of letting me go, he ran fast, very fast that I need to hold on him. Even if it is awkward.

I don't know where is he going, till I found myself at the bench.

"Let's go."


"Home. Why? You want to go somewhere?"

"No. Just asking."  I said and eyed him but he just chuckled.

"Let me take you home."

"No need." And I quickly walked away with my bag.

"Shit! I just hope, it's not a camera's flash." I said to my self.

"But, what if it is not a camera's? What would it be? Argh! That's that Rage's fault! Aish!"

*beep beep*

I held my chest when someone beeped its car. I was stupidly surprised.

"What the hell?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"Well maybe,"

"Fuck you!" I said with my ring finger up.

Tsk tsk. Bad word.

"Kyaaah!" He pushed me inside his car. I can't do anything, why is he so strong? Unfair!

"That was hard." He said when I'm already seating at the passenger's seat.

I just rolled my eyes and looked at the window. He played the radio and, the hell. I don't know if it's just coincidence but shit that coincidence.

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile~

"Argh, turn off that radio please?"

"Why? It's good."

"Argh, you don't know anything!" I just covered my ears and focused myself at the window.

We were so silent when I spoke.

"Why did you?" I began.

"Why what?"

"Why did you stopped me in throwing my shoe to her?"

"You don't know anything."


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