iv. blondie forgotten

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Naïve. Insecure. Shy. Scared.

I was all of the above when I thought I fell for you.

We never had anything. We barely spoke. We were distractions for each other.

I realize now that we never could've gone anywhere. I never loved you, I never had a chance with you, and I never would have been yours.

I've moved on. I'm happy now. I love me for me. I learned to do makeup for myself, I started to workout just to be healthy, and I spend my time doing what I want.

I am a better person because of what happened between us.

I will forget you. There will be a day when you don't walk the halls anymore, when I forget your name and your face. I will focus on my career instead of whom I used to like.

I realized you're a jerk. I never needed your rudeness, your swagger, your cruel words. You are a high school superstar, but as soon as you go to college, you will be a nobody.

Good luck with your four-year popularity. Enjoy it. Because I plan to make a mark on the world through me writing.

I'm glad I moved on.

Goodbye forever,


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