Chapter 3

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When Clara regained her conscience she could barely feel her arms. Or her legs. Or any body part for that matter. She sluggishly blinked open her eyes and rubbed the sleep from her lids - or tried to. Around her wrists were two lead shackles, one end of the chain melted into the wall, the other end secured to cuffs. They were ridiculously heavy, forcing her shoulders to droop as they dragged her hands to the ground. 

 She dragged her hands up and down, testing the amount of movement her body allowed her. Immediately, her mind started to whir with ideas and escape plans. She tested swinging her arms around, using what little strength she had to at least drag her arm off the concrete floor. With a deep breath, Clara hefted her arm and swung it around. The heavy lead cuff let her arm swing in a neat arc with the momentum it carried. All it required was some strength to actually get her arm to a decent starting point, but carrying out with the actual swing didn't require any strength at all. 

Her legs were wrapped in the same lead cuffs, also bolted to the wall behind her. She tiredly kicked out her feet, staring at them in dismay when they barely moved an inch off the ground. Clara dragged her body to the other side of the cell, pulling her wrists to test the durability of the shackles. Her attempts were futile. She was no werewolf. Her human strength was limited to what her body deemed capable for. 

A sense of hopelessness drifted across her body, relaxing her muscles, dropping her shoulders. Clara was sure she was dead now. Maybe not right now, but for sure soon. Getting captured by werewolves was one, escaping was a whole other level. 

The same sound of boots rang through the air. Clara shook her head so her hair covered her face. She didn't want to see them. 

"Wheres the other kid?" The Alpha asked. 

There was a responding sigh, "He escaped. Busted through the second floor window." There was an answering growl and large crash of metal. 

"I told you not to loose them." 

"We have the girl." 

There was some silence, "She'll have to work." 

The two men stopped in front of her cell, the same two men as last time. Rage brewed at the bottom of her stomach, bitter tears threatened to spill from her eyes. 

"So darling," The endearment sounded sour from his lips, "Who was it who had the idea? You or your boyfriend?" A wry smile ghosted on her lips. Alan as her boyfriend. They would've never worked out. 

Clara chose not to respond. 

"Darling," If it was possible, the word sounded like a threat coming from him. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, but her defiance ran just as strong. Clara's mouth was shut. 

"If you're not going to respond to the question, I'm afraid I'll have to resort to more extreme methods," Something told her that he wasn't afraid to resort to more extreme measures at all. Clara pursed her lips and stared at the wall to the left. If he wants an answer so desperately, I'll give him an answer. 

Hesitantly clearing her throat she replied, "He's not my boyfriend."

"I couldn't give a shit if he wasn't your boyfriend or not," He replied. Clara remained impassive. 

"Lets cut to the chase: What was the attack?" She could feel his eyes boring into the side of her skull. 

That was the one answer she wasn't going to tell him. Life before betrayal. Sacrifice yourself for the cause. Don't give in. 

There was a self satisfied smirk on his face when the Alpha leaned back, as if he was happy that she didn't respond. 

"I wouldn't recommend staying silent," His voice held a tone of pseudo-calming coolness, "Since I'm so nice as to extend this towards you; I'll give you a second chance." 

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