Chapter 5

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The next time she woke up, her arms didn't hurt as much, and she had a throbbing headache. The hard concrete floors changed into a soft, luxurious duvet, and the cold air turned into a heap of warm blankets. Clara stretched her hands marveling at the pillow soft cushions underneath her. Her hands clutched at the blanket and she slowly turned over on the large bed, taking in her surroundings. 

Had someone saved her? Clara buried her chin under the blanket, drinking in the quiet comfortness while she had it. 

The room wasn't lavishly decorated, a simple bed frame with matching nightstands. Small leafy green plants decorated the room and a black table sat on the other corner of the room. Nothing showed any signs of personalization other than the closet that was half open with a few men's dress shirts. 

Clara's bones were sore. It was a strange ache-y feeling that resonated from underneath her skin, a type of hurt that was different from strenuous activity. Every muscle ached and she laid still, taking in every aspect of the room. 

The door gently opened. 

"You!" Clara snarled, struggling to get up. The position she was in was too undignified, she'd rather stand eye-to-eye with him. She couldn't maintain the wince as she dug her elbows into the pillows to heave her body into a sitting position. 

What was the Alpha doing here? Why was she in a bed? 

Instead of killing her, or doing anything else, Alpha Nelson gently pushed her down with the shoulder. Keeping her eyes on him, Clara slowly let him push her back down into the comforters. A slightly buzzing feeling lingered where he touched her, but she brushed it off, more focused on what he was going to do to her. Was this all a ploy? 

"Yes, me," He replied, holding a plate of food. Clara could have never imaged the Alpha of the Alacrity pack look so... docile. It was strange. Someone she had painted as a beast and savage was now in front of her looking so utterly human

The kindness was a juxtaposition to the harsh treatment she had suffered for the past two days. Her mind whirred warning signs, and all of her senses was on high alert. Something strange was going on, but Clara couldn't quite identify what it was. 

"What-" Clara struggled to form words, slowly inching her way to the other side of the bed, as far away from the Alpha as possible. If he decided to attack, she was a sure as hell dead. 

His eyes darkened, "I've brought you food." 

Shocked silence was his only answer. Was this some sick way to kill her? Make her feel comfortable and then give her the last meal? Clara's eyes slowly gravitated towards the steaming pasta. It was topped with tender slices of chicken and creamy sauce drizzled over the penne. 

"Oh." Clara responded. She was starving, but the last thing she wanted to do was accept something from Alpha Nelson. Afterall, he tried to kill her the last time she saw him. 

As if reading her mind, Alpha Nelson replied, "It's not laced with drugs." 

"How would I know?" Clara shot back, looking at the penne with more suspicion. 

"Why would I want to drug you?" Nelson responded, setting the plate onto the nightstand. 

Without thinking, sarcasm drenched every word she spoke, "Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you put me in isolation not long ago." 

His muscles tightened. Oh god lord she was dead for sure. It was just her loud mouth to get her fate sealed. 

"It's not that simple," He said, forcing it out, "This is your only option. Eat it or not, it's up to you. I couldn't care less if you died or not." As if aware of the situation, Clara's stomach decided to announce it's appearance. She blushed deep red, looking at the pasta in apprehension. 

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