Chapter One

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Why couldn't they all just stop. Didn't they see that I wasn't happy and that I didn't want this. I mean yes I was happy that people started appreciating and giving my music recognition. But the names didn't stop, the way they treated me was even worse.

I bet they thought that since I was 'the great ole Justin Bieber' that their insults wouldn't hurt me. Funny thing is that everything they say hurts me it feels like a knife slicing into my skin.

But hey I signed up for this so I have to deal with the price. I mean I love my beliebers so much and I wouldn't be here without them. They are honestly the only reason I keep going, knowing that I have people looking up to me, keeps me striving.

I may not be perfect and I may make some mistakes here and there but I'm trying to remain positive. I'm trying really hard and I'm not sure if I can put up with it for much longer.

I shook  my head and ran my hand through my hair. I look over at the clock and see that is 10:00 am. 'Fuck I'm going to be late' I thought and jumped up.

I ran into the bathroom and opened the shower door and quickly showered. I grabbed a towel and dried my hair. Then wrapped it around my waist. I brushed my teeth and then walked into my closet and pulled out a white long sleeved shirt and grabbed whatever pants I could find and my shoes.

I grabbed my keys and my phone and felt my phone buzzing I looked at it and saw 'Ryan Butler'  flash across the screen. I silenced my phone and put it in my back pocket. I could never talk to Ryan after what I did to him.

I walked down the lobby of the hotel and smiled at the  workers. I saw my security staff waiting infront of the door. I walked over to them greeting them.
I followed them out and as soon as the door open I could hear the screams and people shouting:

"Justin I love you."
"Justin what happened to you and Sophie?"
"The Weeknd and Selena are dating, how do you feel about that?"
"Justin great music."
"Justin how's hailey?"
"Do you still love Selena?"
"Fuck me justin!"

All the flashes made my head hurt I finally got into the SUV and sat down. Scooter was sitting infront me.
"Hey scooter, how are you?" I said dusting my pants

"I'm doing great kid.
Are you ready for your interview? He asked checking his phone.

I nodded and closed my eyes leaning my head against the window.  I started thinking of the things I heard people shout at me.

I think they want me to be hurt that Selena had moved on. I'm not hurt, I'm happy she's moved on and is happy. That's what I've always wanted for her.
I knew they were going to ask me about this during the interview. I mean I still lov- wait... I don't anymore.

I was lost in my thoughts and didn't realize that we were already there. Me and scooter got out and walked into the building.

Scooter told me to go and sit by Martha Stewart, that she was going to interview me. They were about to go on air so I sat straight and smiled at the camera.

She talked to the audience then introduced me.
I waved at the crowd and turned to look at her.

STEWART: "When did you know it was music that was going to be your thing?"

JUSTIN :"Honestly, it was never something that I was going to do for a living. At 13 you're not even thinking about that, you know? I was just playing for fun and uploading videos on YouTube because I wanted to show my family. That's when Scooter found me. "

STEWART: "Who were your musical influences at that time? "

JUSTIN : "I listened to a lot of Michael Jackson growing up. A lot of Boyz II Men. I loved Mariah Carey. Just big vocalists. I was always that kid who just wore whatever and did whatever. And my mom always supported that. So I always looked up to Michael because he was never afraid to just be himself, never tried to be anything that he wasn't. "

STEWART: "And how did Scooter contact you? "

JUSTIN : "He kind of stalked me, basically. He got in touch with a lot of people in Stratford because he couldn't get in touch with me. My mom's last name is Mallette, and my last name is Bieber. So he contacted my great aunt, who I'd never met before. He contacted the school board. My mom was getting all these messages saying, "This guy named Scooter is trying to get in touch with you." After a while, it got kind of creepy to my mom, so she finally gave him a call to tell him to stop calling. She ended up talking to him for about two hours. They kept in touch, and we eventually made a trip out to Atlanta to see what he's about and to see what kind of connections he could get."

STEWART: "He encouraged you to do your first album. Had you been thinking about doing an album, or was this something new and amazing to you?"

JUSTIN: "No, I never really dreamed of it. I didn't know about anything like that. So when Scooter was contacting us, I started to think, like, "Wow, this could actually be my life. I could actually do this for a living and make music and travel the world." So that's when I started getting excited. And when I moved down to Atlanta, I met Usher..."

STEWART: "Did you drop out of school, Justin?"

JUSTIN: "No, I finished high school with a 4.0 GPA. "

STEWART: "You did, okay. And, in 2010, you released My World 2.0. And "Baby" went platinum. That must've been so exciting. You really changed your life. "

JUSTIN : "I did. I moved from Stratford to Atlanta, and I met Usher pretty much right away. And that's the relationship that got me the platform, really, to do everything. When he signed me, he called all the radio stations with me and got them to believe in me. We worked with a lot of great people from the start. Tricky [Stewart] and The-Dream actually wrote "Baby," and they wrote a lot of big hits like "Single Ladies" by Beyoncé. So it was cool to be able to work with them right from the jump. We released that as the first single, and, like you said, it went platinum."

STEWART: "are there any girls right now in your life?"

I mentally rolled my eyes I knew this was going to come up.

JUSTIN: "No I'm single, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now" I said and scratched my neck.

STEWART: " So have you heard about how Selena moved on?" She asked

JUSTIN : " Yeah and I'm happy she did."
I said trying ignore the pain in my chest.

STEWART: " that's great, you'll find yourself a lovely girl one day. I'm sorry this is all the time we have for today, until next time" she said and as soon as she finished I jumped off my seat and ran into the dressing room they had for me, and slumped down onto the ground.

I covered my face with my hands. Why did every one like reminding me. I groaned and punched the nearest wall not even feeling any pain, because the pain I held in my heart was far more greater.How could they all leave me, when I needed them the most.

I ignored the slamming of the door and shouting and just laid on the couch zoning off.


So this is my first time writing a story on wattpad sorry if it sucks.
-pls vote
- I hope I can learn and better my writing,
please comment, I would like some feed back
- xoxo nessa

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