Defile His Name...

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They stood in a long winding hall way, inside the lords huge house, more like mansion. Like the sky scrapers it was a rich green, with hints of gold all over the place. Stiles noticed a lot of people, who he assumed where servants wondering around, using their magic to clean or to click their fingers and suddenly anyone that came in wearing a cloak or coat or jacket vanished. Stiles wondered where they went to. 

He glanced at the women, standing next to him. 

"If you don't mind me asking, who is the Lord?" 

The pack perked up, listening closely. 

As usual she spoke to him polightly, with no hint of malice or disgust, unlike how she spoke to the pack "The lord is who governs our district. There are seven lords in total, with seven districts. We are in the District of Mind" 

"Mind?" Stiles repeated, confused. 

She smiled at him in a way that she thought this answered all his questions. 

"What about The Grand Master, who you mentioned before?" He wondered. 

The women seemed to beam at that as she said "The Grand Master is everything to us, he governs over every district. He is...he is..." She seemed as if her awe of their Grand Master, as if it was to much for her, like she couldn't put into words how perfect he was. 

"A god basically, we worship him and in return he keeps order here and keeps the Silver Soul from leaking and consuming" One of the men said, speaking up. 

Stiles nodded, acting like he understood every word they were saying. 


Makes sense... 

Yeah he did not understand that at all... 

"Sounds great"Erica muttered, sarcastically. 

The air seemed to turn to ice and all the sorcerous turned their gaze on her. Stiles found himself taking a step backwards, their eyes were glowing. 

One of the men stepped forward, his arm coming up, Stiles saw tattoos glowing, ready to be realised. 

"You dare insult him in front of us!" 

The rage was clear in all their faces. 

Something like dread squirmed in Stiles stomach as he watched the hand come up but then... 

"His ready for you!" A voice called with authority on the other side of the door.

Their eyes stopped glowing and the chill in the air vanished, just like that. 

The door creaked open. 

The two men went in first, glaring at the wolves as they did so, especially Erica. The women stepped back, waiting for the pack to go in, Stiles staying behind with her but as Erica passed the sorceress grabbed her by the neck. 

Erica choked, turning white. 

Stiles stepped back, completely shocked at her strength, he had figured it was only their abilities to use magic that was supernatural, the way her hands crushed into Erica's wind pipe, clearly showed him that wasn't true. 

"You are lucky to be alive right now, dirty his name again with your tong, even a hint! I will make sure you face a worse punishment than death, mutt

She let Erica go, who stumbled into the room, eyes wide with fear. 

She turned to Stiles, who tried not to gulp. 

Instead she gave him a warm, winning smile as if that scene with Erica never happened"Come on then, my Lord is waiting" 

Stiles blinked, started then followed her into the room. 

Rule number one of this world, Stiles thought, never it seems insult the Grand Master, whoever that was. 

They were in the room and Stiles tried not to gape at what was before him. 

They were in a huge room, laced with silver and gold, pattens of swirls and writing Stiles could not understand decorated the walls. There was a small ball of magic, or energy Stiles corrected himself that was hanging up above them, casting light on the figure standing before them. 

His cloak was completely black, as was his hair, his back was turned to them. 

He seemed to be speaking to someone in a low voice, who was wearing a cloak Stiles recognised from seeing out side, green with golden pattens and symbols etched in. 

The person with the green cloak then quickly rushed away and the Lord turned to face them. 

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