Finding Out You Had a Miscarriage

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- Clutches you when your knees give out and you start sobbing
- He can't help the tears that sting his eyes so forcefully as they fall down his cheeks
- "Please, {Y/N}, don't cry. I promise you, we'll try again."
- Starts having a breakdown in the bathroom when you're finally asleep.

- Grabs you and pulls you as close as possible, crying into your shoulder and not letting you go.
- Starts crying more and more every time he hears your whimpers
- "I'm so sorry...... I didn't try hard enough for you....."
- Promises that he'll protect you more then he ever did before.

- His trembling hands hold yours tightly as he pushes his forehead to yours.
- He tries to sing you a lullaby but stops in the middle from his erupting sobs
- "It wasn't your fault, {Y/N}. I swear to you we will have a child if it's the last thing I do."
- Afraid to rush you into another pregnancy he insists on sleeping on the couch.

707 (Saeyoung):
- Cuddles you into oblivion as he tries to calm your screams.
- Tries to stop your crying with long kisses.
- "{Y/N}, there is no way I would ever stop loving you because of this. I love you so much."
- Refuses to let you go, even after days.

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