Mordecai x Rigby

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Lazily tuning his amp, Mordecai waited patiently for the bands lead singer and Mordecai's childhood friend, Rigby. Their band, "The Regulars" had grown popular in the last year and they had been getting more an more gigs. However, though Mordecai(the lead guitarist), Mitch(the drummer) and Skips(the bass) had been pretty chill from the beginning, Rigby had already been rather self conscious of his voice. As the band had began to step the steep stairs of fame Rigby had begun to appear to practices' less and less. He would call in sick or cancel performances just to avoid the stage. It was this fact that Skips and Mitch debated heatedly in the corner, away from Mordecai's biased ears.

"He can't stay." -Skips

"Yeah, he's a slacker and he can't take the raid seriously." -Mitch

"I know, and it's not like he's not irreplaceable, I mean with Mordecai's incredible skill at writing music, who needs a good singer when the lyrics already have you in their snare." -Skips

Mitch nods, his mullet bobbing up and down, rock-star-style. But upon thought he stops.

"Though finding someone to replace Rigby's voice is like finding a golden coin on the ocean's floor." -Mitch

Skips sighs, fore anyone whose heard Rigby's voice knows that not even the angels above could compare.

"What are you talking about, you guys?" -Mordecai

"Nothing, just wondering where Rigby is." -Mitch

Mordecai laughs,nervously, as he places his guitar, gently on the table besides him and reaches into his back pocket to remove his phone. Opening his messaging he shows them Mordecai's and Rigby's most recent conversation. It goes like this:

Hey, Mordecai I don't think I can make it, my voice is really strange today.

Whatever Rigby you can't get out of this one, you've missed one too many already.

No way man, it's for real this time. My throat feels like it's on fire.

Fine, I'm coming over to check. Stay put.

Hey, naw it's cool leave me be.

If I find out your lying, I will personally drag you back here by the ear.

Not cool man...

Closing the phone Mordecai shrugs.

"There you have it. I'll be back soon okay guys.... And don't worry we'll practice with or without Rigby."

Grabbing his helmet Mordecai walks over to his crimson Kawasaki. A true motor work of art, won after years of part-time jobs and gig tips, was now being used to pick-up lazy-assed friends for band rehearsals. Sighing Mordecai starts his engine. Placing his black Duke, DK 110, helmet on his head he takes off down the street towards Rigby's house 10 miles away.

Upon reaching Rigby's house Mordecai slows his motorcycle to a stop. Kicking out the stand he slinks off, where he then can place his $52.00 helmet inside the secret seat where he locks it with a padlock. Grumbling something about stage fright and idiotic friends he knocks on Rigby's door.

No answer.

Angry Mordecai pounds his fist furiously against the wood, screaming,

"RIGBY! I KNOW your in there!"

Before Mordecai can deliver another blow the door swings open. Due to Mordecai's concentrated knocking, he had unconsciously started leaning in it, so upon the doors opening Mordecai suddenly fell over pushing Rigby down in the process. The situation was all so sudden it took Mordecai a minute to realize he was accidentally kissing Rigby, their lips smashed together like s'mores. Jumping back Mordecai's hand immediately slapped over his mouth. While Rigby sits still for a moment longer his cheeks dusted a slight pink and his eyes a tad moist form the impact.

"You know..." -Rigby

Rigby begins, shaking Mordecai from his trance.

"Regular men don't kiss other men as a greeting." -Rigby

Mordecai's face paled considerably as his stood up stammering nonsense.

"Well, t....there was t....the the door and the the it was just not you wouldn't open and I j....just thought."-Mordecai

"Whoa man chill I was just teasing, sorry I opened the door so quickly.... I promise I'll warn or text you next time K."

Mordecai blushed embarrassed he had taken the scene so seriously. But,

'I want to kiss him again'

Raced through his mind. It was so quick that had he not been paying attention he might of missed it. But he was and he did. And it made him think about how Mordecai was not able to get a good enough sample. And how cute Rigby's flushed expression was. As Mordecai continued to think, the more he thought about Rigby. And his dark brown eyes and dusty brown hair, his slim body and sugary voice. About just how perfect Rigby was. Till the only thought left was Rigby....Rigby....Rigby.

"Mordecai? Hey, are you alright." -Rigby

'Like an angel.'

Mordecai felt something in him snap and he knew in that instant he had to have him..... He had to have Rigby. And without another thought Mordecai reached out his hand and gripped Rigby's hand.

"Ow... Hey! What's wrong with you that hurts! Where are you taking me? You know I really am sick." -Rigby

"What are you talking about you seem fine to me.... And besides I know how to test if your voice is still in order." -Mordecai

Rigby gulps.

"How?" -Rigby

"I'm taking you to the bedroom, there we can practice your voice plenty." -Mordecai

If you want me to write a separate story for these two leave a comment I'll make one.

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