Panchito x Jose

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The air is like dust. It flows ungracfully through my lungs causing my stomach to seize and my eyes to water. Above me the sun continues to prowl unafraid over the Mexican desert. Not even my poncho is powerful enough to block out the heat, and before I know it I'm scorched to the bone. Kicking at the chalky earth I watch in silence as the flakes leap up only to fall back down.


Hearing my name across the landscape I squint trying to see beyond the dust and sun.


"Sí, it's me, Panchito."

"Ah, lo siento, it's hard to see out here."

"No worries I was just wondering what is you're doing out here in the middle of the desert."

"It's not the middle of the desert I can still see town."

"Well, I guess..."

Just then a fist of wind tears though the bone dry desert. Jose's hat is ripped from his head exposing his unruly green hair. A color he's had since we meant, with a story he refuses to share. Turning our backs to the blow we hunker down, pulling the tails of our coat jackets up to offer some protection. It takes a moment, but soon the desert calms, returning to its usual still. Coughing, we stand.

"Well, I came to get you for the fiesta Daisy is throwing for Donald."

"Aww, Donald when was the last time we saw our stubby leg amigo."

"Two years..."

"Well, let's do our best for 'el cumpleañero'."

"Of course, of course only..."

He pauses.

"Can we get my hat first."

Grabbing him in a friendly lock I tossle his green hair.

"Sí, muchacho. With those loco locks you're going to need it."

With that we sing our way towards the sun, where a large sombrero glistens in the dying light. Putting on his high hat Jose turns to me, spreads his arms wide, and shouts

"And now to la fiesta!"

"Sí, let us go!"


When we arrive the party is already in full swing. Girls in colorful dresses spin and twirl creating a mix of shades that color the earth like flowers. Lights hang beautifully across the streets like fireflys as the stars in the (now) pitch dark sky shine down.


Shouts Jose as he races towards the long line of tables hooked end to end in a ceaseless loop. Not wanting to be left alone I follow Jose to the buffet. It is a true feast. Mountians of food are just heaped onto the endless tables as if there is no more room anywhere else; which, by the looks of it, seems about right. Jose wastes no time, bending down he begins to quickly drown himself in goodies.

"Wow, Daisy really out did herself this time."

"Ib no rip'! Bu it a'some r'ght?!"

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