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"Wow, slow down, Laurance!" Katelyn said, putting her hands in front of her in a reassuring manner. "I don't like her though! I don't know what to do!"

Katelyn put her elbows on the table and started to rub her temples. "Okay, this what you're gonna do. Go up to her, and say this; "Aphmau, I am so very sorry, but I don't like you in that way, yet! Maybe if I hang out with you for a bit, I could probably fall in love." Got it?" She lifted one eyebrow up and had a stern expression on her face.

"Got it. But, wouldn't that make her cry? I'm not really good at comforting people." Laurance furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes showed confusion. There was lots of things going through his mind, and he needed to take a break to get his mind off of everything.

"She will understand, just make sure that what you're speaking is hone–"

"Laurance? Katelyn?"

"gaRROTH!?" Katelyn screamed, jumping up from the wooden booth and ran into Garroth's arms. "I missed you, idiot! Where have you been?!"

Garroth chuckled and smiled softly at the bluenette laying in his arms. "I've been in (Paris mEETING LOTS OF DIFFERENT LADIES) England with my family. I needed to take care of some business up there."

You see, Katelyn has always secretly had a crush on Garroth, Garroth has always had a crush on Aphmau, Aphmau has always had a crush on Laurance, and Laurance has always had a crush on Katelyn. It's a little complicated, but I'm sure they will some how figure it out.


"Come on! Sit with us! We weren't doing anything important!" She yelled, pulling his arm, motioning him to come sit with them.

"Well we were but okay." Laurance shrugged, taking a sip of his smoothie, watching an embarrassed Garroth be pulled by a pushy Katelyn.

"You sure?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Garroth shrugged and sat next to Laurance. They smiled at each other than looked away, feeling a but awkward.

"Why are you guys so tense?" Katelyn said, fanning herself with a menu that was sitting on the table. "Uh, well.." Laurance spoke nervously, scratching the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact with Katelyn.

"Isn't there a school dance coming up?" Garroth asked, trying to rid of the silence that fell upon them. "Ah, yes! The Winter Dance!" Katelyn shouted. Her eyes sparkling in excitement making Laurance blush a light shade of red.

"Why are you blushing?"

"Ah, nothing. I'll just leave you guys alone now."

"Okay. Bye, Laurance!"


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