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Walking down the east hall I couldn't stop my mind from yelling at me. I can't believe myself. I should have known that I was going to be shown up. What was I thinking? Nothing, that's what. I should have been the one to bring her to the gardens. I should have been the one to know that she was lying. But I didn't and now I was probably going to lose her to Oliver. Why hadn't I stayed? I can be cool like him, if I wanted to be something I'm not that is.

"Too bad that I'm more the bookworm kind of guy. She probably wants a more princely figure with her."

"Who?" a voice whispered from a darkened corner of the hall that branched off to who-knows-where. "Do you mean the princess?"

I took a step closer, intrigued. "Yes I do mean the princess. Why don't you come out here so that I may see who you are." I was confused about what I was hearing. Who was this person and what did they know about her? He, the gender of which I deduced when he stepped out into the light, was the kind of fellow that would make a girl swoon, as they like to say. He had a strong jaw, a good height on him and and grey eyes. I had to admit that I noticed his lean figure. He was a magnificent looking male and he wore a suit that clung to his figure.

He bowed slightly and that is when I saw them, His wings. So he was an angel, Magnificent. "I am Prince Nex. I have come to compete for the hand of Princess Raven," he looked up at me, "and you are?"

It was my turn to bow and i decided to flash my fangs at him. "Good Morning. I am Prince James and I am here for the same reason; to win her heart." I heard him sigh a laugh and I straightened. He gave me a small sarcastic glare and all the kindness in his face and voice were gone. He was all cocky and sarcastic with his grin. There was a dangerous gleam in his eyes and when he spoke it was like being scalded with hot chocolate; highly, highly uncomfortable.

"Look, I don't care what is that you think you are here for i can tell you for a fact that I will win her hand and her heart and I don't care what anyone says, vampire." he spat the last word like it was poison on his tongue and with the history that vampires have led it is no wonder why. Vampires have always thought themselves high and mighty. They had the best cars, the best jobs, and the most power that they could ever want. It didn't seem to make much sense to me but I didn't have any say in vampire history. I was still a child in the vampire council's eyes.

"Are you just going to ignore me vampire? What are you too good to talk to an immortal that doesn't drink blood for a living?," Nex sneered and I decided I was done with this conversation. I gave him a hard glare and turned my back to him, walking away and forgetting he even existed, just like a true vampire. Just like my father, oh joy.

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