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I could smell it. I could smell her.

You can take her blood and you'll be changed, my mind whispered. It was the animalistic voice of the vampire inside me. I stared hungrily at her; she was all I wanted. No, wait, I didn't want her, she was still attractive, yes, but the blood was more.

No, i had to stop thinking about this. I continued at Raven and she looked so pained. I can take her pain away. Make her feel good, happy. I was feeling so conflicted about this right now. My vampire needs were over-powering my right sense.

Needing an outlet for my frustration, I sprung out at a bot that had barely begun to twitch to life. I ran my flattened hand into it's chest and kicked it off of my hand. The last one was charging at me and, though I couldn't move very well in these jeans, I kicked it's head off and it fell to the ground.

Raven was had my attention now. He blood was beginning to pool at the ground. Running to her I broke the metal restraints and I pulled her into my arms. I lifted the fabric of her clothing. She was bleeding heavily and as soon as I saw the blood my mouth latched onto it. I began to drink her blood. My very first taste of blood was from a princess.

No, Raven, not just a princess.

At first she tasted metallic and penny-like, but then her blood began to warm my whole body. She was so warm and I couldn't help myself, I wanted her and nobody else. She was everything I needed. I drank heavily now and my senses were so clouded over that I almost didn't hear her faintly whisper my name. I almost didn't look up the second time she called me,but she pulled my hair a little and got my attention.

I looked at her mouth as her lips moved and I just wanted to kiss her. Don't do that you fool, you'll imprint with the princess. But I couldn't help myself and I did exactly that.

Her lips were cold and soft and I swear she tasted like peppermint.

"You imbecile! What are you doing to Raven?", Nex and Oliver shouted in unison.

"I'm helping her." I said oud loud enough for them to hear me. That is when I felt it. The splendid warmth in my chest. The imprint I had just created with Raven. She was mine now and I was never going to let her go. No matter what.


Sorry that this is so short but to be continued.  

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