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"Sammy, we're home! We wish you could've went with us," Dean's voice screeched throughout the suspiciously soundless apartment. I placed down the grocery bags that we gotten while we were out beside the front door and searched in my purse for Sam's gift I purchased him. Today was our first anniversary, and I wanted it to be special. My heels fell to the floor with a loud clank as I tiptoed down the hallway.

"Dean, grab the cupcake and follow me," I whispered-shouted to the eldest but shorter brother. He followed my instructions and tailed me down the corridor. I paused in front of our bedroom door and threw the door open, the black box dropping from my hands at the sight I saw.

Clothes were thrown all about and made a trail to the king-sized bed. Two figures lying asleep in the bed with the sheets up to cover their naked bodies. "You asshole!" I screamed at the man sound asleep in the bed. Awaking, he glanced at me, and I swear to Christ he smirked.

In all of my years of knowing Sam, I never saw the side of him that I saw today. It was as if I was staring into a window of the home I've always wanted. You know how in movies when the protagonist says they don't belong at home, or whatever, and they stand in the pouring rain, looking into the warm, well-lit house they used call home. You know that god-awful cliché? Yeah, this whole situation is like that, but a million times worse. Imagine this. The person who is so dear to your heart, who you love more than your own life, who you will die for in a heartbeat, who you want to marry and have kids with. You got them? Good, now imagine them cheating on you with their fucking secretary. Under your sheet. In your bed. In your home. How would you respond to this situation? I did what I could only think of at the moment.

Spinning around and bumping into Dean, I quickly maneuvered around the brother and ran from the audacious sight.


"Hope, open up. It's me," a deep voice rumbled through the hotel's hard oak door. Forcing myself to rise from the fort I worked on for three days, I trudged slowly across the floor, allowing access to the only person I can trust nowadays. The bright sunlight streamed from the tiny gap in the doorframe, causing me to jerk my hand toward my face to shield my oversensitive eyes. "Damn, you look like... shit," Dean chuckled until he saw the massive bitchface being thrown in his direction. "You really do take after him, you know?" I ignored the question and plopped back down on the comfortable mattress in a huff.

"Why are you even here?" I snapped quite harshly to the only person I talk to now. Taken aback momentarily, Dean quickly recovered and cleared his throat.

"I need you to listen and try not to interrupt while I'm telling the story. So I'm pretty sure that you don't believe in ghosts, demons, spirits, and all of those other things, but they are true. When Sammy was a baby, a demon named Azazel killed our mother and poisoned Sam with his blood. Our dad, John, became obsessed in finding the bastard and ending him, which caused him to get hurt and retire from the hunting business. When Sam was a teen, he and Dad got into an awful fight, and Sam moved out and went to Stanford, where he met you. When we were younger, we had gotten anti-possession tattoos which meant we couldn't get possessed by demons, but somehow, Sam's was peeled off. I noticed that when he was shirtless the other day. It may be Sam's body, but that's not my brother," Dean's green apple eyes snapped to my small frame.

I didn't know how to process this. I mean, I always knew that they were hiding something extreme, but I had no idea that it would be this crazy. Staring into his eyes, I searched deep and far and only found truth lying beneath them. My Sammy, my love, my cheating piece of shit, may not even be him. My thoughts started to swim and block off areas in my brain, slowing down my processing. Instead of responding, I crawled back underneath my covers, confusing my true friend. Patting the empty spot beside me, Dean hesitantly removed his boots and sat down next to me, pulling me into his chest as I closed my eyes to fall back into peaceful oblivion.

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