One More Date (Part 1)

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"No Ryan! I will not be fooled into meeting anymore of your friends! Stop setting me up! I am more then happy to be an old cat lady one day! And your friends could honestly be serial killers! They are really unnerving to be around!- oh really?- yeah no I don't think I care! Ryan I swear to god!- don't you dare give him my home adress!- Ryan I don't think you could do a good impression of me. Atleast not good enough to make someone be convinced!- oh my God that is not how I sound!...right?- okay no I'm done. If I find a man on my our step I don't reconize, fair warning, they are getting shot or a broken knee." You say, hanging up your phone with a hyff.
you where twenty two years old and completely uninterested in dating, or even the concept of it, or marriage. Your parents had split up when you where only thirteen, you father was highly abusive to your mom and uh....let's just say that one day you never herd from your dad and you only got to see your mom once ape very two jail...
She always fought back and stuff but she lost it when he tried the same shit only with his only
Yes, yes your mom did infact kill your dad.. she didn't care about getting caught either. Infact she practically yelled out to the world that this is what happens when you fuck with her kids...while your dad was jumping around frantically in the back trying to put himself out...yes...she lit him on, you guys didn't see this...yes, your mom was crazy...yes, your dad did deserve it.
Ever since that scarring memory, you where terrified of dating or really any contact with men. Except for Ryan of course. He was your older brother. He also had knocked your father out once when he tried to hurt you. Ryan was like your guardian angel. You always looked up to him, he was the one who really always looked after you when you guys waited for your mom to tpgwt out of jail.
He was only fifteen when she had got taken and you guys got taken in by the police and sent to live with your mom's best friend, Olivia, until she was out...but by the time she was out you where living with your brother becuease he was nineteen.
Needless to say you didn't have the greatest childhood, and you where nearly horrified of men. What if you just did date one day and you got in the same scenario? You didn't think you could set someone on fire...I mean sure way be like stab them in the heart or like shoot them but probably not set them on hated the screaming.
You had gone mute for almost two months when everything first happened and you where taken, you went through almost two years of depression, eating disorders, etc, and your brother ended up having to sleep in the same room of you quite often until you where seventeen.
No, you hadnt seen your father in that moment, your mom made sure of that, but you did catch a glimpse of the after math of the damage and heard and saw everything almost a week after while on a TV. Holy hell was it terrifying to see your fucking father running around screaming and burning to death, your mother being the one guilty of it. It was terrifying.
At about age twenty though you had gotten your life together a bit more and moved out of your brothers place and got your own, you brought a cat, c/n (cats name) and you lived in Santa Barbara.
Ryan often tried to set you up on dates with his friends, but they where all mostly guys and it ended up with you running and screaming into the night...okay...not literally but mentally, yes.
Hell he tried everyone, whether it was men or women.
Your mom had died a few months ago. Yeah you where upset but you hadn't really seen her anymore or talked with her.
After she had killed your dad, it was like it set off a switch in her Brian. You guys had ended visits to her about a month after, something about her being unsafe to be around.
It was like she started going crazy.

So, here you where now, sitting on your couch with c/n on your lap, watching one of your favorite shows.
It was about twelve and you still hadn't changed out of your pajamas.
What was the point? You didn't have anywhere to be today.
You would be classified as the 'family disapointment'....that is...if you had anyone but ryan.... Ryan however was doing good, he was one of the best at his lawfurm, one of the best and brightest. He had only lost one case out of the hundreds he had done.
Not to mention he had married one of the most beautiful and kind hearted girls you had ever met before in your life.
For the most part you got your money from finding work where you could. For some reason you just couldn't stick with a job. You didn't really spend your money on unneeded things. You mostly only paid your rent for your small apartment, brought food but nothing that wasn't needed, and paid for Cabel. Cabel was like your guilty plessure. Oh and you also paid for feed for your cat.
At about two you had showered and changed into nice cloths before saying goodbye to c/n before leaving the house for yet another interview. This time it was to work at an ice cream shop.
It was terrible pay but it was the only thing you could find.
"This is where you'll be working." 'Jeff' tells you, showing you to the front where people scooped out ice cream and such.
After having the tour and instructions on your job, you started that day after much insisting.
Finally, it was five and you left for the day.
You had only been there for a few hours and you already hated it.
Oh yeah, this job wasn't gonna last either.
Finally, you arrived home.
You where to warn out from people to even bother taking your shoes off, much less shower or anything.
You plopped down on your couch with a sigh and closed your eyes, feeling rather tired.
Just as you where about to fall asleep, your phone went off and roughly tossed you back to 4eality.
"Ryan this best be important." You say, exhausted.
"It is actually. See, I have this frie-" "No. No Ryan. No. If I see him or you  at my doorstep I'm going to be pissed. " You cut him off.
"Oh come on y/n he's a really cool guy. And there's something more interesting about this guy." Ryan says.
"Welllllll?" You ask I impatently after waiting ten seconds for him to continue.
"Well, he's a psychic" Ryan tells you and you liagh.
"Okay, you have fun with your cryastk ball gazer." You luagh.
"Y/n! He's real, this isn't a joke. He works for the SBPD and has solved a lot of cases! Please just give him a shot! You don't even have to look at him as a possible relationship partner! Jut even as a friend!" Ryan pleads.
"Ryan. All psychics are fake. Just by him telling everyone that tells me he is a liar and can't be trusted." You tell him.
"Well just give him a chance atleast." Apryan says and you think about it for a moment.
"Fine" you say rather begrudgingly.
"When do you want me to meet the foax psychic?" You ask.
"TONIGHT??  Ryan I'm exuasted . No can do." You say.
"Come on! I invited him over to my house tonight, he and his friend, gus, they agreed, and I think it would be a really good opportunity! " He tells you.
"Ryan do you understand the word 'sleep'?" You ask.
"No." He replues.
"Of course you dont. You never have. You stay up until twelve and wake up at three!" You say indignantly.
"So can I say you are coming or no?" He asks.
"What time would i have to be there by?" You ask.
"Six thirty to seven."
You think about it for a moment."...Fine....what is this guys name even?" You ask.
"Shawn Spencer. His friend is Burton Guster but you can just call him Gus." He informs you.
"Alright...will I need to wear anything ncie?" You ask.
"No... just probably not sweatpants or something." He says.
"Alright..that works...see you then." You say.
"Alrigt, love ya." He says.
"Love you too. Bye." And with that, you hang up your phone.
Soon, it was five thirty and uou grabbed a five minute shower, changed into a nice pair of dark blue jeans, a black low cut shirt and your black converse, along with your usual pocket watch. However you had taken the clock itself and put it on a chain for a necklace so you could wear it around your neck instead.
It had been your mom's and you had always admired it as a kid. She had given you it for your birthday when you where 12.
By the time you where done dressing and getting ready, you saw that it was six and so  you headed out, saying goodbye to c/n on the way out.
Once you finally arrived, shawn and Gus's cars  didn't seem to be in the driveway yet, so you went inside to greet your brother.
You let yourself inside and found Ryan sitting on his couch, feet laying on it aswell.
You walked behind the couch and hoped in between you and the back of it, making your precense very much known to him.
you embrace him in a hug for a kkemnt.
"Y/n! You know I honestly thought that you wouldn't show! I'm really happy that you did though!" He says happily, pulling away from the hug as you both get up.
"Well, I told you I would come and I stuck with my word, I mean, sure I did think about staying home a couple times but I came anyway!" You tell him.
"So what time are they supposed to be here?" You ask, both of you heading to the kitchen.
"Soon, probably in about fifteen minutes. Shawn said that they where running late becuease they where finishing up a case" Ryan tells you, grabbing you a f/d (favorite drink).
You took it from him with a thanks and took a couple sips.
you guys stayed in the kitchen talking for about ten to twenty minutes before you guys heard a knock on the door.
Ryan ran to get it while you stayed on the counter, swinging your legs aimlessly as you continued to sip on your drink.
You heard them greet eachother and something about you being in the kitchen and also about making yourself at home and a couple other things possibly about dinner before they all walking into the kitchen.
Ryan came through the entrances first, then a man who was dressed like he had just gotten off of an office job or something and another man who had fluffy hair, stubble,     more casual cloths then the other man and seemed to be talking with the man next to him.
"Gus we are not going to get into this right now!" You heard the fluffy haired man say.
This must mean that he was Shawn then.
"Shawn, gus, this is me sister, y/n, y/n this is Shawn and Gus." Ryan Introduces, using hand gestures as he spoke.
"Nice to meet you both." You greet.
"So, y/n, what do you do for a living? Also, may I call you s/n/f/u (shawns nickname for you)" Shawn asks as gus chats with Ryan.
"Well, I don't really have a steady job, I never have, but I did just get a job at an ice cream shop today. Also i dont care." You tell him.
"Also, I hear that your a 'psychic' so, is there anything you have that you can show Mr ab9ut these 'powers'?" You ask.
"Well, let's see...oh, I'm getting something.." Shawn says, his hand going up to the side of his head.
"You have your hc/ h/t (hair type. Like striaght, curly, wavy, etc,) from your mother, she also gave you that necklace, but it was originally a pocket watch, both your parents have died, you don't have any interest in marriage, and you have a c/c (cats color) cat who very much adores you, and I can see why."   He says, the last part making you role your eyes slightly.
"Alright, mister psychic, Ryan could've told you all of that." You say.
"I need some better prove." You say.
"Well, you could check the 56 cases I've cracked." He says.
"56? Impressive." You say.
"So, s/n/f/u, I'm sensing that there is a reason why you don't have any interest is dating or marriage. Can I ask why?" He asks, his hand back to his head.
"Well, psychic, your the one with the vision. I'll let you be the one to figure it out." You say, finishing off your drink and moving to wine.
"Can I ask why your being...distant? Non conversational?" Shawn asks as you finish taking your sip of the wine.
"What?" You ask.
"I'm sensing you don't wanna be here." He says.
"Well, shawn, your right, I told my brother I'd come  and, as much as I thought about bailing, I decided I'd come anyway." YU tell him.
"Hm. Do you wanna move to the living room?" He asks and you nod. "Sure."
You finally hop off the counter and head to the couch that resided in the living room.
you both plop yourself down on either side of the couch facing one another and sit in a slight silence before Shawn spoke again, "So, y/n, your Ryan told me a bit about you."
"Mhm? What might he have said?" You ask, sipping on your drink.
"how you've gone through many different jobs, getting experience, I did that for a while. How it's hard to get your to go to things but how you came here tonight, it makes me feel special," He says with a a small luagh, giving you a toothy grin before continuing, "and how you put up with everything that's happened in your life so well becuease your a strong person," "Hmm...Ryan said that?" You ask in an airy tone, eyeing him slightly. "Actually that one was my thought." He says, earning a small from you. "Also how when they found you abandoned in the zoo near the zebras they didn't bother looking for the biological parents." He says, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably when you start luaghing at this and kick him slightly.
"Damn it! No one was supposed to know about that!" You joke and he luaghs slightly.
You guys talk more loosely the more drinks you guys have and the more you get to know eachother.
About two hours later food was there (It would've been there sooner but no one said anything and he forgot to order it)
You all sat around the table luaghing, joking, and sharing stories.
None of you guys where drunk though....for the most part...alright everyone but you...only becuease you kept sneaking beers and other alcoholic drinks while no one was looking so you where probably lightly drunk and heavily buzzdd...heavily.
Ryan was gonna drive you home but Shawn and Gus insisted they could take you.
"Okay byeeee" You say, hugging Ryan at the door as you guys where headed out, giving him a quick kiss of the cheek aswell.
"Goodnight y/n." He replies, giving you a quick hug.
"Goodnight guys, drive safe." He says, I plying this to everyone now.
They say their goodbye
Shawn ended up having to have one hand on your stomach and the other wrapped around your back for support.
You layed down in the back, shawn  was in the passenger seat and Gus was in the drivers seat.
After about a twenty minutes drive, you guys arrived at your house.
"You can just stay in the car. We'll only be a minute" You hear Shawn tell gus, unbuckling himself before hopping out and getting you out of the backseat with a bit of difficulty.
Soon, he had gotten you inside, both of your arms where wrapped around his neck as you put most of your body weight on him.
"Thankz for drivin' me home." You say.
"Your welcome y/n. Do you need anything?" He says, laying you down on the edge of your bed.
"Shawn? Can I azk you zomething?" You say, arms still wrapped around his neck even though you where sitting on the edge of the bed now.
"Mhm." He replies.
"How are you so adorable AND single? I mean, makin' all your, 'cute little facez' all night with your 'cute little luagh' and your freakin' amazing lookz. So what is it? " You ask, your tone turning to almost a whisper at the last part.
"I mean i think I have the most self control then any other person cuase I've not kissed you or even triedz it." You tell him.
"Y/n...your drunk..." He says quietly to you.
"Don't blame your good looks on alchol spencer, give yourself some credit." You tell him, Leaning closer slightly.
His arms where still wrapped around your back loosely from when he had to support you to your room.
Finally, after a second of silence you crashed your lips together in the most passionate kiss you had ever head.
He had instantly moved his lips in sync with yours, It hadn't taken him a split second of thought. Like he had been waiting for It this whole time.
It only got more heated for a good two minutes. He had swiped his tongue across your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, his hands moving from your back to your thighs as he pushed you back on the bed.
A good thirty seconds after he broke the kiss off, both of you a gasping for breath and air.
Damn was he a good kisser!!
He had been resting his forehead on yours, both of your gasping for breath, his hand gripping both your thighs while your hands rested on the back of his neck.
"I can't do this." You heard him say, still gasping slightly.
"What?" You ask, pulling him off of you to look at him.
His eyes where closed tightly, and his lips pursed together tightly as if this was almost a hard decision to make
"It's just-y/n your drunk, I feel like I'm taking advantage of you!" He said, looking rather guilty as he spoke. Almost like he regretted that he was a saying all this but like he had to.
"So your going to leave becuease you think your gonna take advantage of me even though this is also my choice and I'm okay with it?" You ask and he takes in your words for a moment, totall6 detached from you now and standing on his feet.
"Yeah-yeah thats it." Rheem says. Nodding his head.
" .. are we gonna see eachother again or is this gonna be like a failed one night stand? " You ask with a slight luagh.
"No no no I plan on seeing you again. Infact, here's my number, and I Wanna get you to come to dinner with me soon." He offered.
"Yeah. Yeah alriht I'd like that...Goodnight then I guess Shawn?" You say softly, standing and wrapping your arms around his neck for a hug, his going across your back.
God did he smell good! How is this man so...amazing?
So you guys pulled away, you kissed his perfect lips once more before he leaves, leaving the piece of paper that has his phone number written on jt on your nightstand and.
you bring yourself up to lay fully on your bed before you fall asleep soon after.



Okay so there is gonna be a part 2 to this!

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