One More Date. (Part 2)

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You woke up the next morning with a mild it headache but nothing more.
After remembering about twenty minutes, you had went to go take a shower.
You had also been remembering lastnight and you honestly felt really bad...u you had never, in all your life, tried to fucking hook up with someone before...and naturally the first time you do, you drunk... you really honestly had more respect for Shawn now after he refused to do anything becuease you where drunk and didn't wanna take advantage of you. He definitally got some points for that.
You took about a ten minute shower before you started coffee and decided to message Shawn. Remembering that you had gotten his phone number.
You- hey Shawn it's y/n.. I'm super sorry if I made you feel uncomfertable lastnight or anything, I promise I don't do that to everyone I meet when I'm drunk. If you still wanted to get some food or a drink or anything sometime feel free to message me.
You text him before setting your phone down.
It was about eight right now and the only reason you had even woken up was becuease c/n decided to start sadly meowing at you for food..
You sat at your dinner table, elbow on the wood surface and your head resting tiredly in your hand, eyes drooping slightly.
you thought you where almost asleep until your phone beeped rather loudly, notifying you that you had a notification.
you grabbed your phone to look at it and saw that Shawn had already messaged you back.
Shawn- hey! It's totally cool, I honeslty have never seen a girl so honest before when she was drunk thoigh, that was definitally interesting :P and do you wanna get dinner tonight? Know it's short notice but I currently don't have a case or anything so I'm free
You- sure! Where do you wanna go? Also I don't get off until five so it'll have to be at least five thirty at the ealrist.
Shawn- hm...there is a italain looking resteruant on (whatever street...just to lazy to think of a name 😂) we could go at six if you want?
You- Ohhhhh yum! Alright! Will I have to wear anything nice?
Shawn- wear whatever you want, I don't care. But if you wanna get in you are probably gonna have to wear something kinda know, like not sweat pants and stuff.
you- haha aalright. I'll keep that in mind. So see you tonight?
Shawn- yepp! Also I'll pick you up at about five fouresh?
You- alright, that works :)
Shawn- cool. See you then! Bye.
You- byeeee
You put your phone down and get dressed for work before leaving your house and heading to your job.
The day dragged by slowly, you talked with Ryan when there where no customers. You guys talked a bit about Shawn, you couldn't hear him, but you where sure that the reason he hadn't responded about the story of you failing to seduce him in your drunken state didn't work was becuease he luaghed so hard he choked and died for a good ten minutes.
God you felt rather embarrassed about it, even if he didn't care. You had never done nything like that before in your life...why did it have to be to Shawn nonetheless??

Finally, work was over and you headed home to get ready.
After a well needed shower, you applied a slight bit of eyeshadow and other assorted makeup, put on a low cut black shirt, dark blue jeans, your clock neckalce, music note earrings, and black High top converse, along with your leather jacket.
you waited around with c/n until you heard the door ring and you ran to go get it.
"Hey. You ready?" Shawn asks once you open the door.
Shawn was dressed about equal to you, he had a very dark blue shirt, dark jeans, his converse, and his leather jacket.
" Yep! So are we getting there?" You question, looking behind him to see no car of any sort.
"Oh yeah..about that, Gus wouldn't let me use his car and Henry wouldn't let me use the truck so uh.. we gotta use my motorcycle, we can walk though if you'd rather. I mean it' would only be a ten to twenty minutes walk." He rambles on.
"Um mm. I dont care, whatever you want." You tell him.
Long story short, you guys ended up just walking.
It was a nice night, warm, not to dark, and also you wherent a fan of riding on the back of a motorcycle. You know, not that you had tried it once but the concept was a bit intimadating.
you guys walked hand in hand, arm swinging slightly.
"So how was your day?" You ask.
"Good, it's been a bit boring but I'm happy that I didn't have a case for once." He says.
"And how so?" You ask.
"I wouldn't have been able to come see you tonight." He replies.
"What about you? Do you still have your job at the ice cream shop? I worked at one once, the people there where mean. " He says with a slight luagh at the end.
"Yeah, i dont really like anyone there and it's boring but I get money from it so it works." You reply.
Finally, about about fifteen minutes of walking, you guys arrive at the diner and you can hear Shawn start luaghing slightly. "What?" You ask, wondering what could be so funny.
"I just noticed that we could've  just called a taxi" He tells you with a luaghy sigh.
"Well that's alright, it wasn't to bad of a ealk." You say with a breathy luagh
You see him nod his head to the side slightly in agreement before you guys get seated by a very handsome waiter.
After deciding to split a pizza, you guys continue to talk and luagh.
"Alright so your telling me that you want me to believe that you actually make up fake names for Gus everytime your on a case?" You luagh, finding this oddly amusing.
"Yes!" He says with a slight grin.
"And how you  he feel about this?" You asked.
"Oh I think he finds it annoying...but I can never be sure with him." Shawn replies.
After you guys finished dinner and headed out, soon arriving at the psych office becuease you wanted to see it, you both headed inside of the small building.
"So this is where you guys work out clues and stuff?" You ask, looking all around.
"Mhm. And, on occasion, we throw pillow fights with monkeys. We stopped though becuease they hit to hard." He says almost to striaght faced.
you luagh slightly at him as you walk over to a desk with a silver laptop on it.
you glance across the many papers that where spread out on the desk at the time being, seeing a couple corners of photos as you did so.
After about ten minutes of looking around as you continued to talk with him, you guys had sat yourselves down on the couch.
"Shawn can I ask you something?" You ask.
"As long as it isn't if I ate the other half of Gus's sandwich when he wasn't looking, sure." He says and 7ou roll your eyes at him but smile nonetheless.
"Why don't you ever talk about your parents, it's like you specifically avoid them." You ask, unable to keep your curiosity quiet anymkre.
"Why don't you talk about your parents?" He counters.
"My parents are dead." You say, looking him dead in the eye as you did so with a complete straight face.
"Oh...right..." He said uncomfertably, fiddling with his fingers for a moment as he avoided your gaze.
"And I've noticed you call your father by his name instead of dad, why?" You ask.
"Can we not talk about this? I just don't like talking about my family." He says, finally meeting your gaze with a sigh.
"Fine, sorry. Do you like cats?" You asked the first thing that your mind went to...of course it was cats...damn it...
"Yeah, i had a cat for a whole few days, closest thing I had to a pet." Shawn states.
"Wow, why didn't you keep him??" You aeked.
"Oh beacues I gave him to McNab as a wedding present. Also i found him at a dead guys house soo...." He trails off.
"Nothing like taking a dead guys pet." You joke and he gives you a brief smile.
"Do you wanna go back to my place? It's not to far from here." Shawn offers.
"Sure." You say with a nod and you guys walk out of the psych office and head down the streets to his house.
"And here is where I live." Shawn says dramatically as he swings open the front door.
"Wow, this is awesome." You say, glancing all around to look at it.
"You dont have to lie you know." He says, throwing his jacket off and on to the couch.
"I'm not, I like it." You state, walking over to him as he turned around to look at you.
"Make yourself at home, if you wanna Rade the kitchen so be it but you aren't gonna find a lot there." He says with a slight luagh.
"Alright, thanks for the offer." You say, returning the laugh.
"Y/n?" Shawn says after a moment of you two laying in opposite sides of the couch, feet laying on the others.
"Mhm?" You say softly
"If I told you I was gay right now, what would you say?" He asks thoughtfully.
"Whatcha tryina say Shawn?" You question, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
"I'm not saying I am but like in a 'what if' scenario, what would you say?" He asks.
"Er...I'd ask what you where doing trying to date girls then I guess." You say matter-of-factly
"Hm. Fair enough." He says and gets up.
"Where are you going?" You ask, seeing him leaving the couch.
"To get wine, be right back." He says before leaving and going to the kitchen.
He comes back a moment later with red wine and two glasses.
After pouring dark red wine into both glases, he offers on to you which you take with a thank you.
"So, is this some kind of plan to get me to become truthful and blunt again?" You ask jokingly and he gives you a breathy luagh.
"I don't need wine for that. I'm psychic remember." He says.
"Mhm. Well then, tell me something about me that I haven't told you." You challenge.
"Alright.." He says, putting his hand up to the side of his head before speaking, "you feel embarrassed about lastnight, though what you said was indeed truthful even out of your drunken state, you find the prospect of riding on a motorcycle intimidating, though you didn't speak he that before we left, you definitally where thinking it, and you also have a passion of Italian food." He says, lowering his hand.
"Well, spencer, I'm impressed. Really I have always thought that psychics where fake." You tell him. "Though you've blown my mind ." You say, raising your wineglass to him before taking a sip.
After about half an hour, you found yourself cuddled up with him laying on his bed.
Not talking, just cuddling, enjoying one another's presents.
you found his scent, warmth and touch very safe, very comforting.
"Y/n?" You hear him ask softly.
"Mhm?" You reply.
"Will you go out with me?" He asks and you raise your head, kissing his lips softly before replying. "No." You reply as straight as you could but it didn't sound that convincing.
"I'm just kidding. Of course." You reply, seeing the smile creep up on his face before he kissed your lips softly once more.
"Shawn, I'm really tored. I hope you know I'm not leaving tonight." You reply and you hear him laugh ever so slightly.
"I'm alright with that." He replies. "Now, let's go to bedd." He adds
"Yeah, that sounds nice." Your eply, closing your eyes and cuddling into his chest more as his arms wrapped around your waist and lower back a little more.
You usually hated being touched, men, and the prospect of dating, but with shawn, touch didn't matter, him being a guy didn't matter, and dating didn't look to bad.
Thanks Ryan...

A/n Okay well I hope you liked it! I can do a sequel if you don't think I ended it right but yeah. Lol

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