No Other Way Out

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Warning: A, Spoilers of season 7/8, B, Shawn only comes in at the end C, there is dursing, the F word, the S word, the D word, and probably some other curse words. D, gonna be bloody, E, this is about the chief in season 8. I just feel like they didn't do it justice is my anger you fangirl wishes. XD also, I merged and changed things so dont be confused.

Shawn and Gus where running low on cash becuease of the dick head of a new head chief, Harris Trout, McNab had been fired from his job, Carlton was demoted from head detective while Jules upgraded, and Karen Vic was given a six month suspenstion.
You, where merely a friend of Shawn and Gus,  which is how you found out about all of this.
you had gone into the station to gather some information for them while you pretended to have a problem.
To gus and shawn, you where an inoccent little sweet girl from h/t. Little did they know, that on the inside, you where rather refengful, held grudges forever, and thought about killing many people a thousand times a day.
They also didn't know that you where an undercover agent for the goverment, trained for combat, was one hell of a shot, and that also f/n (fake name) wasn't your real name. Y/n was...
Oh how you wanted to tell them your real life, and that f/n was just a character.
You where never supposed to become friends with the psychic and his friend, but you couldn't help it. They where to amazing.
Just between you, yourself, and you, you where planning to go against your job, superiors and coworkers, along with having to leave Santa Barbra and go into hiding.
you would miss Shawn and gus, but you felt to angry, to fengful. Yes. You had plans to kill Harris Trout.
They didn't know that you where the one that shot at him in the white van. Though, you missed on purpose. It was only to get them searching for someone. You needed it to look like someone else. You knew that they wouldn't find a guilty person, so it worked. However, things went down hill once they really did get a suspect... however, for their case, they where set free.
You knew that Harris would be gone in just five and a half months, but it was to long. You couldn't let this keep happening to everyone you loved. It was going to end.
So here you where, driving down the road in a car you....'borrowed'... striaght to the man's house.
You waited on the side of the road in the car, bags in the trunk of it so you could go striaght into hiding for a while.
You waited. You waited six hours. You had your gun in your hand, loaded to the fulliest.
Finally, you saw his car pull into his driveway.
You had no plans on making this look like an accidint. You wouldn't be framing this on anyone. You had made a gun yourself, made your own bullets, and where wearing gloves and a mask, along with your black suit that you where required to wear when you wherent doing a job and you where back at headquarters.
You concealed the gun in your boots compartment, a knife on your thigh strap just incase, and two sharp pins holding your hair up in a bun.
you got out of your car once he went in and moved silently towards the house like a shadow.
you didn't bother with a door. You climbed into the basement and silently went up the stairs to see him sitting at his dinner table.
you snuck up behind him before putting the gun to his head and cocking it.
"Miss me?" You asked in a venomous voice.
You where referring to the time when you went inside the police department and he had you arrested for the day. Henry bailed you out though. Bless that man.
"Now, listen Trout, your gonna get up silently and your gonna turn around, get on the ground on your hands and knees, and your gonna be quiet." You say in the same tone and he obeys, getting up slowly, the gun never leaving his head.
"There's  good boy." You praise sarcastically.
"Harris, you've wronged a lot of people. You've fired many people, and made people's lives harder." You start.
"Do you have a wife or a child, Harris?" You ask and he shakes his head no.
"Good cuase that's gonna make the next part easier." You tell him.
"Good sit on the couch. Slowly. You  make a sudden movement or I see your hand go anywhere near a place where you would have a weapon, things won't end well for you." You warn and he obeys, slowly getting up an walking to the couch, your boots quietly thumping as they meet the wood floors.
He sits uncomfertably on the couch and you just smile at him.
It wasn't a sweet smile but a wicked one.
You had never killed before. No one had given you such a reason.
"Harris. You have wronged people I love, and I have never, never felt so much hate of a human before. Becuease you've got the right to know a couple things before I end your sad excuse for a life, I have a couple things to say first. " You tell him in a disgusted tone.
"1, your a piece of utter shit, you make people around you miserable and hate you. Now, what's the point of living like that?" You ask.
You see his mouth open to speak but you shush him. " uh uh uh. Don't speak." You warn.
"2, I've devoted my last month to coming up with a plan on how to kill you without making anyone else a suspect, that's hate and dedication, no human should drive another human to such a hate and resent. 3, what the fuck is wrong with you? I mean I've day dreamed about a thousand other, more painful ways, to kill you. But lucky for you I'm not one to torture people. See, I could, slit your throat and watch you bleed out, unable to call for help or scream in pain, or cut off one limb at a time until your nothing but scattered body parts, or set you on fire, make you jump off a cliff
, hang yourself, or even give you an injection. But let's be honest, I'm not a bad person and that is way to time consuming. Now, becuease you are such a dushce, I have to leave my friends behind becuease I've gotta take you out for them to have a life again! I mean how is that fair?"  You ask as though you don't have a gun facing directly at his face while your other hand his twirling a rather large knife around.
"I mean i really like shawn, like more then a friend and here you are, mr. Harris ruin everything! Have you ever thought about how much your shifty ass life has ruined others?! I mean come on man!!" You say heatedly but rather upset.
"So you know what? Fuck you. Fuck you so much! God I hate you! I hate you!!! Someone should've killed you off years ago you piece of shit!" You yell whisper just so he can hear it and not to attract anyone.
"You have any last words before I pull the trigger, Trout?" You ask.
He says nothing.
"Very well then." You reply and pull the trigger.
And in a silenced instant, his eyes where fine of any little color the cold blooded man had. (OR no blooded man....hehhee...I'm sorry...)
Pgd did you find silencers happy.
You quickly left the house and ran to your car.
You drove off casually, seeing that if you drove quickly people would get suspicous.
There where no cameras, no people, and no evidence that you where ever know...except for the dead guy....
you couldn't help it, you had to go see Shawn one last time.
you knew he would be at the psych office so that's where you headed.
After about ten minutes, you arrived at the psych office and uivkly disarmed yourself before hopping out of the car.
You where still in your skin tight yet rather flexible outfit, your hair still up in the bun and you black leather boots, which still held a small pistol that you had forgotten to take out of its compadtment.
you quickly flung open the door to the psych office and went directly to the main room where you found Shawn talking to someone on the phone.
you assumed it was Henry by the way that Shawn sounded.
Before he could respond you silently fast walked to where he was and grabbed the phone from him and slammed it down to hang up.
"Hey f/n- wwhhhaat are you wearing?" He asks, his plain coastal voice and normal expression changing to confused.
"Dhawn I don't have time for answers but I need you to know some things." You say hurriedly, not knowing how long it would be until someone found him dead. It could be minutes or days.
"F/n what are you wearing? And why haven't you worn it sooner?" He asks in his normal flirtatious manners.
"Shawn shut up!" You snap and his happy and charming manners went away quickly.
"Listen to me. I dont have time. My r3al name is y/n, I really work for the goverment as an undercov3r spy, I won't be able to ever see you or anyone here again. Atleast not until a few years probably. ND I also love you. I have ever since I first saw your goofy childish self." You tell him quickly.
"W-what? F/n what are you talking about? Is this a joke?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Y/n and oh Shawn how I wish this was a joke. I dont have time, I've gotta get out of here. Don't come looking for me and don't tell anyone I was ever hear or I swear to god I'll come find you and I'll fucking kill you." You tell him.
"Er..y/n...what's up with you?" Shawn asks.
"Are you truly this arragont?! Shawn Spencer I'm about to go live who freaking knows where after I've just killed someone and you ask what's up with me?? Are you trying to get shot??" You ask heatedly and his eye widened when you accidentally let slip that you HD killed someone.
"Wait you killed someone?! Who?! Why?! Did he deserve it?!" He asks quickly.
"I think you'll find out who it was tomorrow but that isn't important right now. What is is that I'm never gonna get to see you again and I'm gonna...I'm gonna miss you.." you say, your voice cracking slightly when you had to say those last words.
Oh god mp lease don't cry... you think to yourself over and over again.
"Y/n..." He says quietly, as if he didn't know what to say. That'd be a first wouldn't it? The Shawn Spencer not knowing what to say to a women.
Your eyes went slightly watery against your will as your throat tightened. "Can you just-" you cut yourself off, taking a deep breath in an attempt to control your emotions."Can you just hug me before I leave.?" You ask quietly, trying not to cry now.
"F/-er-y/n..come here.." He says, opening his arms as he sat in his chair.
You fell into his lap, arms wrapping around his neck as a few renegade tears fell down your face and soaked into his shirt.
He hugged you comfortingly, tighter then usual aswell.
Yoi silently cried, shaking aswell, into his shirt for a good three minutes, you arms wrapped tightly around his neck while his resided on your back, one one the back of your head though, rubbing the back of your neck softly.
After a moment you got yourself calmed down a bit.
"Shaen.. i-..I love you..." you say as he wiped away the tear that was still on your cheek with his thumb.
He bit his lip slightly and brushed a little hair out of your face before saying, "I love you too." And you leaned in, kissing his lips softly.
He kissed back in the same soft but passionate way.
You guys stayed like that for a moment before you broke away.
"Shawn...just know that once I'm gone, what happened.. I..I did it for you, gus, jules, the chief, ladsiter, McNab and everyone else...." you say quietly.
"So you uh.. you really killed someone..huh?" He asks quietly, still in disbelieve.
You nod your end slightly, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"Shawn...can you do me a favor?" You ask quietly.
"Mhm." He says quietly, nodding his head.
"Could you...before I leave...just do on last reading on me..?" You ask.
He looks at you, dead in the eyes for a moment.
you shaking slightly, water still in your eyes, you grip so tight, yet so weak at the same time.
"I'm sensing..." He starts, putting his fingers to his head. "That your don't know what is gonna happen...this is what you know, and though you say your not who you claim to be, it's what you've grown to know. What you've grown to think, be familiar with. Your scared becuease you don't know what is gonna happen next. You've never killed someone and your shaken by it. You keep replaying the image in your head. It won't stop. Your terrified and it's worse becuease your telling yourself that there is no other way, no one to tell you your fine or get you through it when you need to, becuease you'll be on your own..." He says, trailing off.
He was dead on.
You wuere. You where terrified, lonely, scared, and your future seemed lonely.
By destroying your life, you helped others though. By taking one life, you helped twelve others.
It was, and is, for the best.
though, you where gonna miss him, his goofiness, his shamelessness, his psychic episodes, the glint in his eyes when he smiled, his luaghing, his warm embrace that told you wpeverything you be fine. His scent, or how he would try to make you jump by trying to scare you after you guys watched a scary movie, or how he'd listen to you rant and rage about certaint things, or how he was always there when you needed him. You where gonna miss every last thing about him.
"Y/ don't have to leave...I can be here for you..." He says softly, obviously hiding his sadness.
You just merely shake your head, knowing that if you spoke, you would start crying again." I-i have t-to go shawn... " you say quielty, wiping at you eyes roughly and taking a shake your breath.
"Y/n please don't leave.." He pleads as you quickly get of his lap and turn aorund for the door.
"Shawn if I don't leave everything is going to go down hill for everyone I've tried to make it better for and I cant do that. It isn't what I planned for. Shawn. Just promise me that you won't  let them take anyone as a suspect for this... if you have to
, tell them I did it, they won't find me and everyone will be safe." You say, your voice cracking once more.
"Y/n. Who did you even kill?" He asks.
"You'll know when they turn up." You reply, running and giving up a tight but weak minute hug.
he hugged you back just as tight, perhaps tighter though.
He kissed you on your lips for the last time before you quickly broke apart and ran for the door before when had time to speak again.
you didn't wanna cry in front of him as you left.
You quickly got in the car, buckled in, and drove.
you drove as you cried. You didn't wanna leave but you knew that killing Harris would blow your cover, along with telling Shawn your real name...and...and who you worked for... which meant that you wouldn't just spend time in jail, you would probably be tortured or killed...maybe both...or depended on how your boss was feeling that day. But you couldn't afford it. You would go into hiding, change your identity and such after faking your death, and then you would be safe. Then, then maybe you could see Shawn and them again.
It would be hell and lonely for a few years, but it'd be okay in the long run.
For now thoigh, you drove...

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