"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story

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"Hit it harder!"

"What's it look like I'm doing?!?!?!?"

"If you don't make it, Immortus wins!"

"We know you can do it!"

"Go friend!"

"You can do this!"

"Aw, yeah c'mon girl!" I knew these were memorires of my friends cheering me on, but they felt so real!

I closed my eyes and did what Starfire said helped her, I pictured something happy.

"Beast Boy..." I whispered to myself. If I did this, I could go see my friends again. I could have my memory back. I could apologize to my friends for what I did to them, I could thank them for helping me. I could see my family again.

I could get back at Slade.

Robin resisted Slade, and I found out how I could too.

I gave it everything I had left. Through the dust stirred up by my final attack, I saw an old military jacket float  to the ground.

I knelt down in the dirt, "Challenge-" I took a deep breath in and clutched my side. It hurt!

"Challenge complete," I wheezed.

"I will honor my promise," the disembodied voice came out of nowhere.

The deserted arena disappeared around me, and I found myself on an island with a giant tower shaped like an upper-case letter "T".

Are they even here at the moment? If I'm dying, I have to tell them before it happens.

My question was answered as a green pterodactyl circled around the tower with a tired blue Cyborg on it's back. A red-headed alien girl followed, carrying a boy with black hair, a red shirt, green pants, and a mask over his eyes. After them came a girl in a blue cloak. They all landed in front of the door, and the pterodactyl turned into a green-skinned boy in a black and purple uniform as the black-haired boy tapped the code to let everyone inside.

"Beast Boy..." I croaked. Still holding my side, I ran towards the door.

"Beast Boy!" I repeated. I was running towards the group. Everyone turned to stare at me with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

Then the green skinned boy ran towards me as I collapsed on the ground.

"Terra," Beast Boy knelt over me and held my head.

"Beast Boy... I'm so sorry..." Is all I could get out as the rest of the Titans surrounded us and I blacked out.

"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Where stories live. Discover now