Dinner and chores

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Disclaimer: I own Seasons 1-4 of Teen Titans and the movie Trouble in Tokyo, does that count?

I do not own Teen Titans.

Starfire and Robin appeared in the doorway, and the memory flashed through my mind again. Thank goodness no one noticed.

Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven ran to join them, but BB noticed I wasn’t following.

He skidded to a stop and turned to look at me, “Aren’t you coming?”

I took a step forward, but then I thought better of it.

“No. What if I hurt you? Or someone else?”

“But...” he had on that confused face I loved so much, “I thought you learned to control your powers?”

“It’s not that,” I tapped the suit, “Someone might recognize me. Or-” I couldn’t bring myself to say the worst possible situation.

Robin came back into the room and gave me a look of understanding, “Will you be alright, here, by yourself?”

I nodded my head in reply, “I’ll be fine,” I said, as if it were no big deal. It wasn’t that every instinct in my body wasn’t screaming to go get up and fight for truth, justice, and to make up for what I’d done, it was just that my more sensible mind was saying that I needed to stay put.

Beast Boy gave in, and the two of them disappeared down the long hallway, the door hissing closed behind them.

It took a moment for the fact that they had willingly left me alone in the tower so soon to actually sink in. What to do now?

I went back to channel surfing, then I had to make sure the taco meat didn’t burn, yet stayed warm at the same time, for Cyborg’s sake.

Then for Beast Boy, I pulled out a can of tofu and began to heat it up. I laughed at the thought of something Beast Boy told me Raven had once said: “I  accept that you don’t eat meat. Please accept that I don’t eat fake meat.”

But other than that, there was pretty much nothing else to do.

But that was before the power went out.

And thick metal slabs slid down over the windows.

"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Where stories live. Discover now