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I woke up to a blinding light in my face.

"Terra, you remembered me, please tell me you still remember!" I felt a tugging on my arm as Beast Boy pleaded for me to talk to him.

"Will she be alright, Raven?" Robin asked.

It's silent for a moment, "She's stable, but she's not out of danger yet," Raven grimly reported.

"She has to be okay..." Beast Boy whispered.

"Glorious!" Starfire's face blocked the light from the overhead lamp, "She is awakened!"

It's good to see a friend again.

Even better that they are glad to see me too.

"Terra..." Beast Boy whispered as I slowly sat up.

Then I realized what I was wearing.

"Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" I cried, throwing myself off the hospital bed in an attempt to tear the suit off my body. My tossing threw me against the wall, and my side exploded in pain again.

"Terra!" Beast Boy  cried in shock at my sudden violence.

"Terra, calm down!" Raven tried to subdue me by grabbing my arms, but I just jerked them away.

"Terra, stop! You're only gonna make it hurt more!" Cyborg joined the chaos too.

"Terra! Stop! Please!" Beast Boy yelled, and that's what caught my attention.

I lay panting in the corner. Beast Boy slowly made his way towards me and put a hand on my shoulder, "We'll find a way to get it off, Terra, I promise."

I let myself fall into Beast Boy's arms and cried, even with everyone else watching.

The first time Beast Boy made a promise to me, he lied. So why was I trusting him now?

I didn't know. I just knew that I trusted him a whole lot more than I trusted almost anyone else.

Especially Slade.

"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Where stories live. Discover now