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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN TEEN TITANS, Now keep reading!

I immediately started to panic.

My heart was racing, I could feel it in my fingertips and toes. My breathing was shallow, and quick.

I finally got the sense to slap myself on the face and get a hold of myself.

At first I stared at my hand incredulously, wondering if something other than me was controlling it. But when nothing else happened, I realized it was just a reflex and relaxed.

I sat cross-legged on the floor and contemplated possible situations for the lockdown:

A) The security system had short-circuited

B) One of the Titans(most likely Beast Boy) had done the code wrong trying to reenter the tower.

C) The security system didn't recognize me as a titan anymore.

Or the most frightening:

D) Someone had snuck inside the tower.

Scared silly by this sudden thought, I scrambled to my feet to grab a flashlight and a pan from the cupboard, not caring how much noise I made.

I broke through the door Beast Boy and Robin had so calmly walked out just minutes before. I looked down the darkened hallway, it looked okay. But that didn’t mean that it was.

If only BB had seen me jump. my brains nearly splattered on the ceiling when I heard the noise from Starfire’s room. Attaching the flashlight to my belt, I aimed the frying pan at the door and slowly inched towards it. You would not believe how stupid I felt when I realized it was just Silkie, chewing on the curtains. He gave me the mutant-moth-worm equivalent of a smile and nuzzled my leg, leaving a trail of slime behind. It was kind of cute, I guess.

As I left the room, Silkie followed me. Sort of like a fat dachshund.

I checked Robin's room with my flashlight. Empty. Cyborg's room with all it's spare parts. Empty. Raven's room. Eerie and creepy, but empty. Beast Boy's room. Still as messy as I remembered, and yes, empty.

Gym was empty.

Garage was empty.

Medic wing was empty.

Where else was there to look?

Oh yeah. My room.

Well these chapters were short, I'm gonna have to work on making them longer.

Ooooo scary. So what do you think? Is it Slade? Should it be Slade? Comment below w/ feedback please! I hope you like!


"I Promise..." A Teen Titans BBxTerra story (Book One of Three)Where stories live. Discover now