The Complicated Dinner Date

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Magnus Pov- I sat in my office looking over some fabric swatches to decide on the color for my next design. I was making a collection so I had to make sure the mix of colors were perfect. "What do you think about this one" I asked, holding light blue silk up to Mr. Portman. He was one of my investors and was checking in on some of my progress.

He picked it up, looking it over before smiling. "I think it's perfect. Don't doubt yourself, Magnus, everything you pick is always great. I wouldn't be investing money in you if I didn't think so."

I nodded, putting the silk with my other choices. "Is checking on my progress all you came here for sir?" He shook his head no smiling. "I wanted to congratulate you, Magnus. Your business is the fastest of my investments' I've ever seen grow. I'm very impressed with you."

I smiled, thinking about what he said. Business at my boutique has been great. We opened a month ago, and my store is still crowded from opening to closing. I had to hire more workers and enhance production of my designs just to keep up with it all.

"It's all because of you and some of my other investors. I can't thank you enough for believing in me." He nodded smiling, "I know what it's like to not want to ride your parents' coattails. You want to make a name for yourself and I respect that. I was just like you when I was your age."

I smiled, thinking it was the highest compliment. Gorge Portman was a millionaire who earned his money at a young age. He was big in Wall Street and everyone knew his name. If I could be as successful as him someday, that would be amazing.

"Anyway, I wanted to celebrate your progress. How about dinner at my place tonight? You could bring Alexander as well. We'll have a fancy dinner and some champagne. What do you say?"

I smiled thinking it was a great idea but lost my smile when I thought about Alec. He's still weird about being around the uptown crowd. Especially high class people like Portman. Not just that, it seems ever since our play date with Max, Alec has been acting strange. He seems distracted and a little distant.

"That sounds great Mr. Portman, but I don't know if Alexander will be up for a dinner party. He is still a little hesitant about being around uptowners." He smiled, "he doesn't have to worry, it will just be my wife and I and we aren't judgmental people. He is completely welcome at our home."

I thought about that for a moment before smiling, nodding. "I'll talk to Alec about it and see what he says. I think it will work out though, we'll be at your house tonight." His smile grew, "splendid. I'll make the arrangements and have everything prepared. Be at my place around eight."

I nodded smiling and he waved before walking out of the room.

  I walked into the flat a couple hours later, looking around the living room for Alec. "Alexander? I'm home," I called out before walking in the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Simon Lewis leaning against our counter.

Alec looked over at me smiling. "Hey Magnus, Simon came to visit me. I hope you don't mind." I looked between them before slowly shaking my head no. "Of course, not... it's pretty sudden." Simon shrugged, "Raphael and I have been curious on how Alec has been doing. He is our friend after all so it's only normal to want to check on him."

I frowned, not liking that Raphael was curious about Alec's health. The last thing I want is Alec getting involved with him again. Simon looked at Alec smiling, "I should get going but I'll see you tomorrow night." Alec nodded and I frowned, "tomorrow night, where are you going?"

Alec looked at me, "I'm going to go out to dinner with Simon tomorrow to properly catch up. It's been awhile and I miss spending time with him." I glanced between them before asking, "is Raphael going to be there?"

It's Still Complicated (a Malec AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora