The Complicated Kill

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It's Still Complicated Chapter Ten: The Complicated Kill

Alec Pov, eight hours ago- "Are you sure you're okay to go? You just had withdraw last night while we were out. What if you have it again," Magnus asked, watching me get ready to go out with Simon. He thinks I'm going to dinner and honestly, that's what I wish we were really doing. Instead, Simon and Raphael were helping me get even with Sebastian Valeric for raping me and trying to keep Max from me.

"Simon knows what to do when I feel that way. He had to deal with it during that year I was in the mob. Stop worrying about this Magnus, it's just dinner." I grabbed my jacket, putting it on before looking at Magnus, searching his eyes.

I know Magnus wouldn't like the things I'll be doing. The plan is to scare Sebastian into doing what I want. Knowing my luck though, things will get out of hand and I'll be forced to go for the kill. Raphael doesn't like getting his hands dirty and he wouldn't let Simon do anything, so taking care of Sebastian would have to be my job.

I looked in Magnus's eyes a little longer before putting my hand on his cheek, gently stroking it with my thumb. He frowned, leaning into my touch. "If it's just dinner, why do your eyes look worried?"

I smiled sweetly, still stroking his cheek with my thumb. Magnus could read me better than anyone. I was worried, worried that something bad will happen and I won't be coming back. I would never let that happen if I could help it.

I pulled my hand away trying to keep calm "It's going to be okay Magnus." I gave him a quick kiss before walking out of the flat, going down the stairs to meet Simon outside. Simon was leaning against the building, watching the people that walked by.

"I forgot how nice it is to be able to stand on the sidewalk without the fear of getting mugged." I laughed at that, shaking my head. "I know right, when I first came back here I was always looking over my shoulder. Of course, that mostly had to do with the hell Valentine put me through in his basement."

Simon frowned putting his arm over my shoulder. "You survived all of that Alec. You're the strongest person I know. Raphael is sorry about what happened to you." I shook my head, walking down the street with him. "It wasn't Raphael's fault. I'm the one who got caught."

"yeah, but Raphael is the one who sent you to kill Valentine in the first place," Simon said, looking around to make sure we weren't being followed. "It was my job. I would have hit my target if Magnus didn't walk into the room. I was so close to hitting him instead."

"I'm just glad you both made it out alive and are together once again. Magnus was going crazy not knowing where you were or if you still hated him." I sighed at that, "at the time I did still hate him. Now I'm the one sneaking around behind his back."

We passed the boarder of uptown, into downtown and I breathed in the thick, dirty air. I never thought I would miss this place but there was just something... homey about it. I never want to live here again, especially with Max, but I will never forget how this place made me stronger.

When we got to Raphael's hide out, I was surprised when people started bowing as we walked by. "Looks like you've gained some respect since I left," I teased, nudging him with my elbow. "I still don't have any respect around here. All that bowing is for you."

That shocked me. "These people are bowing to me? Why would they do that?" Simon rolled his eyes as if it was obvious. "All these people are hitman Raphael has recently hired. Rafe is always telling them about your work so they know the shoes they need to fill. They have the highest respect for you."

I looked back toward them, still a little shell-shocked. "Alec! You're back," I familiar female voice cheered. Looking back ahead of me, I could see Marine Brown running toward us, her blonde curls bouncing off her back.

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