Chapter 3

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Ezra's POV

"I blame everything on Five," I said to Zeb as our crew of four, plus Ahsoka and Anakin, entered the Jedi Temple.

"Why me?" Sabine asked.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if you were not in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Although Sabine's helmet was on, I could feel her roll her eyes at me.

"This way.  Kenobi will meet us in the gardens," Anakin informed us as he led us through the long hallways of the temple.  Our small group stayed a few steps behind, silently giving ourselves looks.  Every so often, Ahsoka would glance back at us, then look to her mater, then straight ahead once more.

As we entered the temple garden, I saw Kenobi in the far corner, waiting for us to arrive.

"Obi-Wan!" Anakin called out to the Jedi.

"I see you have our old friends," Obi-Wan commented as he joined our group.

"Yes.  Shall we go inside?"

As we walked back into the temple, Ahsoka dropped back a bit from Anakin. Sabine and Zeb moved up, so it was only Ahsoka and I trailing behind from the others.

"So," Ahsoka started.


"I know you are looking for this machine," Ahsoka said.  "Have you found it yet?"

"No.  That is what we were hoping to find in the Seperatist shipment we were going to leave for," I replied.

"Oh," Ahsoka said quietly.  "Well, what you been doing since we last saw each other on Naboo?"

"Not much, really," I said.

"I see."

Ahsoka looked like she was about to say more buy her communicator starting beeping before she could utter a peep.  She quickly looked up at her masters and the rest of my crew ahead, but they had not heard the com.  They were all lost in conversation.

"This is Commander Tano," Ahsoka said quietly in the com.

"Ahsoka?" A voice asked quietly.

"Lux!" Ahsoka exclaimed softly.

Ahsoka looked up to me and I gave a confused look.  Before Ahsoka could explain, the man called Lux said something again.  "Ahsoka, I need your help."

"Why didn't you contact the council, then?" she questioned.

"This is not the kind of problem I need a Jedi's help with," Lux explained.

"I am a Jedi," Ahsoka pointed out.

"I realize that, but I need a friend's help."

Ahsoka's face fell into a soft look for a second before hardening back up again.  "Send your coordinates.  I will get to you as fast as I can."

"Will do.  Hurry, Ahsoka."

"I will, Lux."

"Umm, who was that?" I asked Ahsoka.

"A friend.  A friend that I need to help."

"And are you going to tell Obi-Wan and Anakin?"

Ahsoka gave one hard stare at the two elder man and sighed.  "I can't.  Lux said he did not want the Jedi to know about this.  This is something I must do."

"And when exactly are you planning to go and do this?"

Ahsoka's communicator beeped once, signaling Lux's coordinates were received.  "I have to go now."

"And how exactly am I supposed to explain this to your Jedi masters?" I asked.

Ahsoka thought for a second.  Then, her eyes lit up.  "You will have to explain nothing.  Lux said he did not want any Jedi, you are not a Jedi.  You can come with me."

I chuckled lightly and replied with, "Anything to get me away from the Jedi.  I will alert my crew we will be leaving and they can stall.  I will command Screwy to join us."

"Wonderful," Ahsoka said as I punched commands into my wristpad.  Screwy slowly fell back to meet Ahsoka and I.  "When they turn this corner, just turn around."

I nodded.  I looked down to my wristpad.  I had set it so Sabine and Zeb would get a message about what Ahsoka and I were doing well after the two of us left.  We made it to the corner and Ahsoka and I turned.  We waited to see if anyone had noticed.  I looked around the corner to see the four of them in deep conversation.  Sabine was checking her wristpad, no doubt seeing my message.

"Let's go," I said to Ahsoka.  Ahsoka nodded, and Screwy, Ahsoka, and I all quickly walked down the hallway.

I had no idea who this Lux guy was, but we would probably be close enough soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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