Chapter 01

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Attached is a picture of Harry and Hannah in this story (:

I apologize for any misspellings!


"See you tonight Hannah Banana"

I rolled my eyes as I gathered the last of my things from my locker. Today, the day I've been waiting for since I came out of the womb, was the last day of school. For me, it was THE last day of school.

That's right, you're looking at a graduating student from McKenna High. Although I'm more than happy to be finished with school, a part of me is sad because now instead of being locked in the four walls of this High school I'll be locked in the four walls of my bedroom. That is until I find a steady job that pays enough money for me to get my own apartment as far away as possible from here. Until then, I am stuck living with my aunt Gloria while my mom does who knows what at who knows where.

I slam my locker and let out a rather nostalgic sigh. It was almost hard to believe that I would never be coming back to this place.

My high school years were never a bad experience. I was always (as you kids would say) popular. My friends were the people that everyone wanted to hang out with, but we weren't those stereotypical douchebags that stole other people's lunch money or picked on the losers for fun. We were kinda just there, minding our own business but also making the most of our years.

"Guess who found us plans!" I fix my bag on my shoulder and turn to face Daphne

Daphne has been my best friend ever since the elementary school years. She's basically my twin except.. the bitch is wild.

Not "Oh my god she's on her third shot" wild, but "oh my god Daphne got arrested for the fifth time" wild.

I support her and her crazy ideas though, she's just trying to have fun. Who am I to judge her?

"As long as it doesn't involve running from cops.." I tease

She playfully punches my arm and sticks her tongue out "Not this time, it's a party"

I raise my brow "The foreign kid? What is it with everyone wanting to go to this party.. Also, Daph I really thought you were done messing around with foreign guys"

She digs in her bag for her car keys and let's out a huff "You know I'm back with Kit, anyways I'm not interested in Harry.. he's more your type"

I bite my tongue and ignore the burning urge to make any type of snobby remark. Daphne and Kit were actually everyone's OTP but at the same time nobody really knew why they were still together. The whole student body knew that Daphne cheated on Kit about once or twice  and that Kit cheated on Daphne twice as hard.

This one time, Daphne literally walked in on Kit banging some chick from the cheerleading squad and they went out for sushi the next day.

I think they stay together for social status reasons but, what's the point now? Schools over and nobody is really going to ever care about those two.

"I heard boys from foreign countries have small penises.." I scrunch up my nose and plop myself down in Daphne's car "I'm still down to go though,"

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