New Outfit

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** Yuri is drawn towards clothing typically worn by women and decides to go all out one day, once again, recommended by my sister **

Yuri's closet was filled with dark colours, animal prints, and lots of things with tigers on them. It wasn't unusual for Yuri to wear something with rhinestones or sequins on it but it was always in the shape of a tiger or something punk-rock-ish. Yuri had a very distinct style so, whenever he decided to try out something new, he gets weird looks from Yuuri and Victor. However, he never really ventured too far away from the norm. Today was different. Hanging in Yuri's closet was an outfit Yuri had bought about a week ago. He was finally feeling confident enough to wear it.
Five minutes later, Yuri was staring at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a black mini skirt and a flowing white crop top, obviously with a rhinestone tiger on it, with a leather jacket that had a leopard print collar. He had his hair in a long French braid and he put on a tiny bit of mascara just to make his eyes pop a bit more than usual. He loved his new outfit and hoped that Yuuri and Victor wouldn't judge him for it. And hopefully Otabek would like it too.
Yuri took a deep breath and walked down the stairs. He really hoped they liked his new look. Yuuri and Victor were cuddled together on the couch watching tv facing away from where Yuri was standing.
"Guys... what do you think?" Yuri asked nervously.
Yuuri and Victor looked up and they both gasped.
"Wow... you look so cute!" Yuuri exclaimed. Yuri was glad he got the approval of at least one person so far.
"What about you old man? What do you think about my outfit?" Yuri was slightly impatient with Victor and was getting more and more self-conscious about the outfit.
"AHHHHHHH!" Victor was incapable of forming words as tears of joy spilled out of his eyes. He jumped off the couch and ran to grab his phone to take pictures.
"So I assume you like it?" Yuri said smiling.
"OF COURSE WE LOVE IT! YOU'VE NEVER LOOKED CUTER!" Yuuri ran up to Yuri and hugged him.
They heard the door open and close and assumed it was Otabek. He had a key since he and Yuri have been dating for almost a year.
"We're in the living room!" Victor yelled finally able to speak.
Otabek walked into the room, saw Yuri, and stopped dead in his tracks.
Yuri blushed and stared back at his boyfriend.
"What do you think?" Yuri asked quietly.
Otabek blushed, and had to lean up against the wall. He faked having trouble breathing just to make Yuri even more flustered.
"Beka stop it... tell me what you think... please." Yuri walked over to Otabek and looked him in the eyes.
Otabek looked all the way down and back up Yuri's body, taking the opportunity to check out his boyfriends exposed legs. He met Yuri's eyes again and smiled.
"I love it babe. Are you ready to go?" Otabek smiled brighter and leaned over to kiss Yuri's cheek.
Yuri grabbed Otabek's hand and they both walked out the door, Yuri feeling the most confident he had ever felt in his life.

** this was kinda shitty but oh well 😬 **

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