Kissing it better part 2

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** here you go. The much requested second part. Happy Valentine's Day 😻 I love you all **

It was around 9pm and Yuri really wanted to go to bed but he couldn't really walk that well because of his ankle.
"Maybe I should call Otabek... then I can ask him why he kissed my cheek earlier today" Yuri said out loud to nobody in particular.
Yuri picked up his phone and touched the call button next to his friends name. After the first two rings, Otabek picks up.
"Yuri? What's wrong?" Otabek sounds worried.
"I was just wondering if you could come back over and help me to bed. I can't walk very well and I'm getting tired." Yuri asked/demanded.
"Yeah. It's kinda late though. Do you mind if I just stay over so I can help you in the morning if you need me?" Otabek reasoned.
"Yeah of course. Let yourself in when you get here. And can you stop at the store on your way here and get some chips?"
"Of course. I'll see you in half an hour." Otabek hung up.
Almost exactly half an hour later, Otabek was letting himself into Yuri's apartment being greeted by his cat.
"I'm here Yuri! And I brought chips! And ice cream! I know you didn't ask for it but I knew you would want some!" Otabek was yelling to Yuri from the front hall while taking off his boots and jacket.
"ICE CREAM!!!" Yuri got so excited he jumped up off the couch and tried to run over to the kitchen forgetting about his injured ankle. He didn't even make it one step before falling on his face. It was quite the comedic fall. Definitely not graceful in the slightest. Otabek stifled a laugh as he walked over to his fallen friend and helped him back up onto the couch.
"If I knew you were going to be so excited about the ice cream, I would have bought more" Otabek held out a small pint container of ice cream with two spoons which Yuri quickly accepted.
"Don't eat all of it before I get any. I'm gonna set up a movie. What do you want to watch?" Otabek walked over and grabbed Yuri's laptop and opened Netflix.
"It doesn't matter to me. Whatever you want." Yuri said between mouthfuls of ice cream.
"Have you seen 'Would You Rather'? It's kind of a horror movie but it's not that scary. More of a thriller" Otabek explained.
"Never seen it but by the picture, it looks disturbing." The cover of the movie had a person holding a razor blade a millimetre away from their eye. "Lets watch it!"
Otabek pressed play and the two boys sat on the same couch munching on chips and shovelling in ice cream.
They ran out of snacks about halfway through the movie so Yuri had nothing else to distract him from the disturbing scenes. He ended up hiding in Otabek's shoulder and peaking at the screen when he didn't hear screaming. Otabek lifted his arm and started to play with Yuri's hair absentmindedly while keeping his eyes glued to the movie. Yuri didn't mind Otabek playing with his hair. Actually it felt really fucking good. So good that it lulled Yuri to sleep within ten minutes.
When Otabek finally noticed his friend had fallen asleep, he picked him up and carried him to Yuri's room. On the way, he noticed there was no guest bedroom and that the couch they had been sitting on earlier wasn't big enough for him to sleep on so the only rational solution was for him to sleep in Yuri's bed. This way, if he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, Otabek would be there to help him.
As he placed Yuri in his bed and tucked him in, he heard a faint mumble come from Yuri. "Beka..." Yuri mumbled again and clung onto Otabek's arm. Careful not to wake him, Otabek climbed into the bed, letting Yuri keep hugging his arm. Otabek fell asleep spooning Yuri, partly because his arm was being held captive but mostly because he was slowly falling for his best friend.
The next morning, Yuri woke up first to see a snoring Otabek sleeping only an inch away. They were facing each other so Yuri could feel his friends breath on his face.
"Hey... Otabek..." Yuri said quietly while gently shaking his friend awake.
"Mmmmm" Otabek moaned.
"I need to pee" Yuri whispered with a more urgent tone.
"Mmmokay" Otabek opened his eyes to see Yuri's face only an inch away from his own. In his delirious morning brain state, he closed the gap between them and kissed his best friend on the lips. When he realized what he was doing, he jumped out of bed and started to mumble apologies to the wide-eyed Yuri laying completely in shock on his bed.
"I still need to pee" Yuri said not looking at his friend but still with a shocked expression glued on his face.
"Of course. I'm sorry" Otabek walked over to Yuri and helped him get to the bathroom. While he waited for Yuri to be done, he went into the kitchen and got himself a glass of cold water to try and calm himself down so he could think properly about what he had just done. He heard the toilet flush and he walked back over to the bathroom and waited outside for Yuri. The door opened and Yuri looked right into Otabek's eyes. "Do it again" Yuri demanded.
"Do what?" Otabek was confused.
"Kiss me again you idiot. I wanna know if I actually liked it or not" Yuri was waiting for what seemed like hours for Otabek to lean down and kiss him again. But once he did, it was like everything in the world was right. Yuri started to kiss back when Otabek pulled away and looked at him with a face that asked "what did you think?"
"Yup. We should do that more often" Yuri said mater-of-factly.
"Yeah?" Otabek had the biggest smile on his face Yuri had ever seen from him.
"Yeah" Yuri smiled back. "So you like me and that's why you kissed me on the cheek yesterday?" Yuri asked finally.
"Yeah... it was my attempt at hinting. Not very subtle was it?" Otabek laughed.
"Well it actually was because I thought you were just kissing another injury that I didn't know about" Yuri also started laughing.
"How's your ankle feeling today? You can obviously stand on it which is good. Can you walk?"
"Possibly. Let me try. But be ready" Yuri hesitantly took a step and put pressure on his foot. "Ah..." he hissed and reached out for Otabek.
"So that's a no? How about I go find you some crutches." Otabek lead Yuri to the couch and made sure he was comfortable before getting ready to go.
"Wait... Beka... kiss it better?" Yuri said cheekily.
Otabek walked back over to the couch and bent over. He kissed his ankle, his knee, his shoulder and his cheek, just like he did yesterday.
"You forgot a spot" Yuri said.
"Oh. Right" Otabek bent over again and kissed Yuri on the lips for the third time that day. "Feel better?"
"Much. Thank you." Yuri blushed slightly and so did Otabek. He walked out of Yuri's apartment with a smile still glued to his face.

** this was the extent of my Valentine's Day romance and I'm sharing it with you ❤ I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day. Tell me about anything special you did in the comments! Maybe I can take inspiration from you guys and create some date one shots! **

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