Yes, I am continuing this story. Square up and fight me.

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"What the actual fuck? Brian, our asses are sure as hell not in Cincinnati," Jessica said as she looked at the room full of garbanzo beans.

"We live in Albany," Brian said as he was slowly dying because Jessica was holding her hand. His crush on Jessica was so big that he had pictures of her in his room. He tattooed pictures of her under his eyelids. It wasn't the smartest idea and sometimes he got jump-scared by the pictures when he blinks, but it's all in the name of love.

"Brian. Let go of my hand and back tf up, m8." Jessica said as she forcibly removed his sweaty hand from hers and somersaulted into the sea of garbanzo beans. Brian put up a sign that says "10/10 would recommend".

As Brian slowly waded through the beans, Jessica punched Brian. "YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN ME A 47 OUT OF 10! IT TOOK ME 3 YEARS AND A FIFTH OF MY SOUL TO MASTER THAT SHIT!!" Jessica screeched as she kicked his face.

Brian swam to the bottom of the garbanzo bean sea and saw a pink garbanzo bean. The pink garbanzo bean went up to Brian's ear and whispered "M'lady".


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