~the broken bada**es~

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Addison White is the towns bad girl, her striking blue eyes will make any guy fall for her, but remember looks can be deceiving. She likes to keep her grades up so she can actually move on from year 11. She loves to prank people who get in her way and Mason Hayes one of the bad boys just happen to be her next target. If your smart enough you know to run the other direction or move to the side as soon as you see her or one of her best friends walking through the hall. Her parents are rich so she lives in a mansion but she doesn't get along with them very well, she has 4 brothers and she wouldn't want it any other way even though they aren't always the best of friends, she dances to relieve stress. Of course to relate to the title she's broken on the inside.

Mason Hayes, is the towns bad boy. His $100 smile will make anyone fall to his feet. But like I said looks can be deceiving. His Addison's next target of her pranks but he doesn't know that. He won't hesitate to hurt anyone who gets in his way. He spends most times at school ditching class or making bets with his friends. His parents work for Addison's so they've known each other since they were 5 when Addison moved in and her parents had more business dinners. He enjoys singing in his music room at home but he wouldn't dare tell anyone. And of course his broken on the inside just like Addison

What happens when Mason and his group overhear her and her mum arguing at a family didnner and they suddenly take a fascination to her and want to find out more? What caused them both to be the towns bad a**ses? What will be their reaction when they find out their both broken? Find out in this book
WARNING- Contains, Swearing but has stars so that I'm technically not writing the swear words, self harm and sort of a bunch of cliche stuff.
Author-Hey guys another book yay. It might be cliche I know. Also there is going to be swearing except I'm going to put stars so technically I'm not swearing, because I'm not allowed to swear but it will make the characters more believable. Anyway I'm sorry if this books not that good, I don't really have some of these characters personalities so ya. Bye hope you enjoy this book guys -shiannelg

The broken badasses(I don't know the future of this book I can't decide)Where stories live. Discover now