>Chapter 3<

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That's what Addison's house looks like^^^ but just imagine it's 5 stories tall.
Addi's POV:
*poke* *poke* I felt on my cheek but just ignored it because it's Friday. I know your probably thinking who goes to school on Thursdays and if you weren't thinking that then just pretend you were. Anyway for me my days off are Fridays so yea I go to school on Thursdays and skip Fridays.

"Dude I think she's dead." I heard a hushed whisper. "Idiot she's breathing what dead person breathes?" I heard another whisper. "Um the ones on movies because like if you pay attention close enough they actually breathe." A now clear voice that I now recognise as Jonathan's.

"Dude it's called acting." The other voice who I recognise as Julian's. I let out a chuckle at their stupidity and I slowly opened my eyes to see I was on the couch and Julian was on his knees next to me while Jonathan was leaning over the other side.

I jumped up making Jonathan jump back and fall into the wall while Julian was laying on the floor laughing.

I looked around and saw everyone from last night besides the adults wrapped up in blankets on either the couch or floor.

"You all fell asleep last night so Julian and I put blankets on everyone and we ended up falling asleep after playing truth or dare for a bit but don't worry none of the dares or truths involved you unless we planned on signing our death certificate." Jonathan explained.

"Oh." I answered letting out a huge yawn. I looked next to me to see Jamie sound asleep but with black textas over his face. I pointed to his face and looked at the obvious culprits.

They both shrugged and walked off while I ran upstairs to grab three air horns. I grabbed 3 pairs of ear plugs and ran into the kitchen where the boys were.

I handed them each a pair of ear plugs and an air horn and smirked while making my way into the entertainment room.

We put our ear buds in and blew the horns making everyone jump up. Hayden ended up on Logan's face Sienna and Meghan were fine while Mason and Jamie were clinging onto each other for dear life.

I noticed Matthew and Jade weren't in the room anymore but that didn't stop me or the two boys from falling down in laughter. It was one of those you gotta be here to see it type of moments.
"Addison." I turned around to see Hayden at the door watching Matthew and I closely while we danced.

I stopped and groaned while turning the music off.

"Addiiiiiii I wanted to dance." Matthew whined while I was rising my eyebrows at Hayden.

He was off in his own little world for a bit until he finally snapped out of his day dream to see my bored expression then he sighed and came in to sit down on the couch in my room.

"I'm bored." He deadpanned while looking at my recent drawings. I rolled my eyes and gave Matthew the chocolate his been sitting there eyeing off since he walked into my room.

"So?" I asked while cleaning up the clothes from the floor and putting them in the laundry basket.

"How about we cook?" Hayden asked gleefully while I stopped cleaning up. One thing you should know is that we love cooking it's mine and Hayden's thing and it helps us bond a lot better.

"Sure!" I clapped my hands together excitedly while running out of the room and down the three flights of stairs and into the kitchen.

"What are we gonna make?" I asked no one in particular since Hayden was probably taking his time downstairs and Matthew was eating chocolate so he'd also take his time downstairs.

I was looking through the pantry for the flour when the doorbell rang throughout the house.

"I GOT IT!" I shouted from the pantry. The only ones home were me Hayden and Matthew. Logan was out with his friends and Jetson was at the park playing soccer with some guys from school.

I walked to the door and grabbed a baseball bat from the table near the door. What it could be some guy trying to rape me? I swung the door open to come face to face with Mason, Julian and Jonathan.

Oh yea parents went on a business trip they gotta stay here fun! Note the sarcasm.

Wait a second this just made it easier for Jamie and I to prank him yus. I'm doing a happy dance in my head while my usual emotionless cold stare is set on my face.

I left the door open and walked back into the pantry.

"ADDISON WHO WAS AT T- oh hey guys let me show you to your rooms." Hayden greeted in between his yelling session.

I grabbed the ingredients I needed for choc chip cookies and put them all on the bench while I grabbed the utensils needed.
Mmmm these smell soooo good. I'm sitting on a stool at the counter waiting for the cookies to finish and in the meantime the smell is spreading throughout the house.

"Hey I was meant to cook with you remember I was the bored one." Hayden complained walking into the kitchen. I just shrugged and walked out of the kitchen towards my music room it's soundproof so no one will hear me.

When I walked in I froze. Wondering why? Well standing there singing was Mason, while Julian played the guitar and man they were good.

I didn't recognise the song but I thought I'd just leave them so I walked away and towards the indoor pool just to put my feet in.

I sat there for a bit humming to the tune of sit still and look pretty. I felt my butt vibrating and I was wondering why so I just ignored it and layed back looking at the painting on the roof.

It was a beach sort of theme and my parents did it when we first moved here. I felt my butt vibrate again and that's when I remembered my phone still works so I pulled my phone out to see a text from Jamie.
Hey we're on our way did you want us to get you pizza or something?
Yus please, margarita with extra cheese please oh and cookies and cream ice cream thank you love you loser🙃💖😘
Love you too sista❣️

I smiled at My conversation with Jamie...because his getting me free food.

"Who's making you smile?" I jumped at the voice and nearly fell in the pool until two hands gripped my wrist pulling my up and away from the water.

I looked up to face Mason and I quickly backed off from him. I don't trust him if I get too close I could fall for him and I don't want that his one of the biggest players at the school.

"Nunya." I replied simply walking away towards the kitchen where my beautiful cookies were being baked.

When I made it to the kitchen the strong sent of the cookies hit my nose informing me they were definitely ready.

I grabbed a cooking gloved and opened the oven to see my beautifully baked cookies. I pulled them out and put them on the bench for cooling.

"So you can cook what else is the bad girl hiding?" I turned to face a smirking Julian coming towards my cookies so I quickly ran to him and slapped both his hands and his mouth.

"Ow! What was that for?" He whined rubbing his mouth and hands.

"Just so your too sore to grab any cookies." I replied and strolled out into the lounge room where I saw Jade and Matthew playing some game so I just sat on the lounge and looked to see what was on while I waited for my loser and other best friends to bring me food.
Another chapter done even though I got no reads at the moment but anyway I know it started to go iffy towards the end which is why I ended it there.
Anyways xAnonymousPineapplex is out for now.

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