>Chapter 1<

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Addison's pool and behind the house above^^^^
{Addison's POV}
'Shut it sideways smack it smack it in the air, legs move it side to side smack it  in the air, ladies move it side to si-' 'CRASH'
Well there goes my phone. "Addison that better not be another phone smashed!" Logan yelled from out side the door. "Yea it was because it woke me up and if I could smash anything that woke me up I probably would!" I shouted back.

I grabbed my blankets and wrapped them around me but I just had to roll over because I went crashing to the floor tangled up in my blankets. 'Ugggghhhh I hate today already, I whined in my head.

After a couple of minutes of laying on the floor trying to get comfortable I decided to get up to get ready for school.

I decided to wear my black shorts and my black crop tee that said 'sorry not sorry' and my white adidas shoes.

I didn't need a shower this morning because I had one last night so I walked downstairs to make some breakfast for me.

I heard a pitter patter of feet running down the stairs. Knowing it was Matthew I pulled out a bowl and poured him some of my cereal. Yep that's how soft I am when it comes to this kid.

"Addi that's your cereal." He stated with confusion clear on his face. "I know but I will share it with you." I answered ruffling his hair and sitting down at the counter and started eating.
I am now brushing my teeth. I didn't finish my breakfast because Hayden stole my bowl and ate the rest of it while I gave him deathly glares.

You see that's the thing, my brothers know I have a soft spot for them so they use it to their advantages, also they aren't terrified of me like the whole school, except Mason and his little crew, they are known as the bad boys of the school.

Me and my best friends are another group of badas**s. Our groups hardly ever talk to each other, and I'm a big prankster at the school and Mason just so happens to be my next target.

You see we were in sport and we were playing dodgeball and he decided to throw it at my head even though he got detention for not listening to the rules it wasn't enough punishment to me so Jamie's helping me plan the prank seeing he actually talks to them.

I finished brushing my teeth, grabbed my now cracked phone, my bag, my leather jacket and made my way downstairs.

As I grabbed the keys to my motorbike I heard the clinking of my mothers heels making their way towards me so I turned around to face her.

"Addison we are having a business dinner again tonight so dress nicely and be home straight after school we don't want you to become a bigger embarrassment to this family." She said as casually as if she was reading the morning paper and turned on her heels and walked away not leaving any room for arguments.

I've gotten used to her calling me an embarrassment but no matter how many times I hear the words it will always hurt me.

"Addison are you ok sis?" My brother Jetson asked putting an arm around my shoulder. I just put on an emotionless face and turned to look at him. "I'm a-okay." I answered casually and walked out of the house slamming the door behind me and made my way to my bike.

Of course I wasn't going to listen to mum I already had plans to have a horror movie marathon with Sienna. Unfortunately Matthew can't come because he actually listens to mum but I'm going to see if Adelaide could come, because Jamie and Meghans parents are most likely gonna be at dinner, unfortunately Mason and his friends parents work for my parents so they're gonna be there.

I pulled into the school and parked in my usual spot. I noticed a few guys staring and girls glaring oh no that's a massive mistake for them...obviously they don't realise who I am.

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