>Chapter 2<

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Masons POV:
"Mason wake up you have school today." I snuggled closer to my pillow pooling my blankets further up my body.

"Mason can you just get up please." Mum sighed. Again I didn't listen I just let out a pretend snore.

I heard her retreating footsteps and did a little dance party in my head. All of a sudden I felt two weights on me.

I opened one eye the tiniest bit but wide enough for me to see you was sitting on me.

Julian and Jade of course. "Ready to jump Jade?" Oh no I'm gonna be a sandwich soon. Then of course Jade started jumping whilst giggling and I noticed Julian just sitting there grinning.

What's he up to? "Jaaadddeee stooopppp." I groaned rolling over onto my back.

Big mistake, the same time she jumped onto my stomach I got a pillow to my face. I jumped up grabbing the cheeky monkey and squeezed her tightly to me kissing her forehead. She giggled before jumping out of my hold and over to Julian who stood there with a pillow behind his back.

Oh you must be confused on who they are well Julian is my best friend so he's here most mornings to eat the food and then Jade is my 8 year old little sister.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the room and downstairs to the kitchen. I smelt something being cooked but I didn't know what.

As I walked through I noticed mum watching the oven and stove while she was having a heated conversation over the phone. I nodded my head greeting her cause I didn't want to listen to whoever she's talking to. Probably Addison's mum.

I walked towards the oven and opened it to see a chocolate cake and in an instant my eyes grew wider as I went to take a bit until I felt someone kick my back softly.

I turned around to see mum glaring at me so I just gave her my amazing smile and she just rolled her eyes and walked off. I closed the oven and walked to the stove to see mum boiling eggs.

Why is she cooking so much this morning? I walked over to the walk in pantry and grabbed some froot loops.
We were all laughing and talking around our cars while we were all smoking. I actually don't know why I smoke. I heard the sound of a motorcycle and all heads snapped towards the bike pulling into the parking lot.

"Damn who's this new hottie?" I heard Jonathan from next to me so I just rolled my eyes. How does no one know who this is.

I noticed most girls glaring at her but as soon as the helmet came off the girls who were once glaring were now trembling in fear.

I turned back around and looked at Addison as she put her hair into a ponytail. I then saw Jamie coming up behind her saying something which made her make a face and roll her eyes but hugged him.

Addison, Jamie and I use to be best friends when we were 5 but I kind of cut of some of her dolls heads and coloured their necks in with red pen to make it look like my dinosaurs ate the heads off but I destroyed a friendship that day.

"Hey are you listening to me?" Julian asked snapping his fingers in my face causing me to snap out of my daze and listen.

"No" I answered bluntly taking another puff out of the cigarette as Julian continued talk to the other three.

Over Julian's shoulder I noticed Sienna glaring at us so I just smirked then I turned and saw Addison looking over to us and then rolled her eyes as Sienna and Adelaide made their way over to them.

Adelaide started walking up to the school causing the others to follow her while they talked.
As we walked into the office I noticed Addison and the rest staring with bored expressions while the office lady was visibly shuddering under their gazes.

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