Their game

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The bad-boy, band geek, nerd, jock, and player band together to discover who the mystery 'hidden beauty' of their school is. They offer her a deal, well more like a bet. "Three weeks, you have to become popular in three weeks. If you fail you become our personal puppet until the last day of school. If you succeed we will have to it you are never bullied again on our watch." Will she accept the deal or stay the unknown, mystery, nerd, good-girl, perfect, goody goody 'hidden beauty' of the school.

Follow along as this 'hidden beauty' discovers her true self. As she discovers who her true friends are, what true love is, and what it feels to be cared about. "Love is not taken for granted, for sometimes and for certain people love is the hardest thing to get. As for others it comes naturally." Is her motto. Who is she? Why is she like that? Who is the girl everybody seems to envy and hate.

That my friends you must discover yourself.

I really hope you guys will enjoy this story. I honestly can't wait to write it. Bye my little cookies, see you in the next chapter.

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