Part three

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As I walk home with my beats in my ears, my mom and my song came on. "I'm a little unsteady." I sing. "Mother I know that your tire of being alone." I sing.

"Dad I know your trying to fight when you feel like flying." I continue wishing my mom was here to sing her part.

"Hold on to me cause I'm a little unsteady." I sing.

The song reminds me of the accident. My mom, Dad, brother, and sister got into a car crash. I was sent to live with my Aunt Claire.

She was the only person who would deal with my depression, and anxiety. For months I stayed in my room, never speaking to anybody.

I would sing my mom and my song continuously and looking at the picture albums she made.

I hold back tears, as I continue on home. I see a figure sitting on the park bench. I see they are crying.

"Are you ok?" I ask them stopping as I pas the park. "I'm fine." He states. "No your not what's wrong?" I ask.

"My girlfriend broke up to me, she has been cheating on me." He sniffles. I feel his pain and quickly think of something good to say." Don't worry, she is so stupid not to notice how amazing you are." I say

He smiles weakly and thanks me. "I didn't catch your name." He says. "Alexis, but you can call me Lexi." I say. "Nice to meet you Lexi, in Gavin but you can call me Gavin." He says.

I laugh slightly and head home. "Aunt Claire!" I call. "Yeah?" She ask. "Where are you?" I ask. "In my room!" She says. "Ok." I says walking in there.

"I'm going to go penny boarding. I'll probably be back soon enough for dinner. Is that ok?" She nods smiling. I walk out and grab my blue penny board.

Putting on a sweatshirt, leggings, converse, and my beats I head out the house. While I'm skating I run into the group of boys 'it boys' I saw at school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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