John Laurens x Reader

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Prompt: 1
John Laurens

Lemon involved?
Yes ;)

Requested by: gravitywillfall01

Having the same best friends all throughout high school is a privilege, while having them go to the same college as you and not grow distant is a blessing. There was Alexander Hamilton, who was the little know-it-all. He skipped 8th grade, and sat down next to me the first day of school freshman year, and we clicked right away. Gilbert Marquis de Lafayette, the foreign exchange student who walked into history on the first day, and couldn't speak English very well. I helped him the notes, and we became friends. Hercules Mulligan was a complete teddy bear, when he wasn't punching assholes. When ever I was bullied in high school, he would beat up the motherfucker. Then there was John Laurens. From the moment I saw him, I knew we would be great friends. What I didn't know was that by the time we reached college, I would have fallen in love with him. But I knew he never liked me back.

It was late December right after semester finals, and we all had gathered at Laurens and Hamilton's dorm. Hercules had brought the beer, and it was honestly a blur for a while. I remember that Lafayette wanted to play a few rounds of hide and seek, and the gang and I being our drunk selves, we agreed. First round I was it.

"(Y/N)! Start counting!!" Alexander laughed, as he ran in the dorm.

"One, two, three, four... Uh..." I slurred.

"Five!" I heard Hercules yelled from what sounded like the kitchen.

"Five, six, seven, eight, nine, number ten paces, here I comeeee!!" I said opening my eyes. I slowly glanced around the room that I was in. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, so I began to leave, until I heard someone sneeze. I turned around and noticed Lafayette's bushy ponytail sticking out of the cushions. I giggled as I ran over and pulled a cushion off of him.

"Hey you found me...!" He smiled drunkenly. I giggled and booped his nose before going off to find the others. I soon found Alexander, who was hiding in the bathtub, Laurens who was in his bedroom, and Hercules who somehow managed to fit himself into a cabinet in the kitchen. I don't want to know how he was able to get in there, but I wasn't going to help him out.

"My time to count!" Hamilton yelled. We all giggled and hid, as he started counting at the top of his lungs. I ran over to a closet and shuffled my way in. It was tight, but I fit in. I closed the door and quietly moved items around so there was more space for myself, but not much. I sighed softly waiting to be found. The door quickly opened, closed the space that I made for myself quickly becoming smaller. John had shoved his body into the small closet.

"Uhhhh... Hi?" I questioned. John slightly jumped in the air.

"Oh hi (Y/N)! Sorry I didn't know you were in here. I can go find another spot-" He said, looking over his shoulder at me, before being cut off by Hamilton screaming the final numbers. 

"It's alright. It's safer if you hide in here because he just finished." I giggled, as he struggled to turn around to face me.

"I guess we have a while." Laurens said blushing softly. I smiled and stuck out my hand. He slowly took my hand as I began to move my thumb and count,

"One, two, three, four, I declare a Time War. Five, six, seven, eight, Daleks yell exterminate. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, The Doctor died and Silence fell. Twelve, eleven, ten, nine, here we go back in time. Eight, seven, six, five, saving everybody's lives. Four, three, two, one, grab her hand and whisper-"

"Run." We said in unison. I slowly looked up from our hands and looked into his eyes. His eyes were a beautiful hazel color. We got lost in each others eyes before he moved his thumb and trapped mine. I blushed slightly and looked back down and tried to free my thumb, but soon gave up.

"I win. What's my prize?" He smiled giddily. I thought about it for a moment ,

"Whatever you want, sport." I said poking his chest with my finger. He smirked down at me and I got butterflies in my stomach.

"You." He whispered, "If that's okay." My mouth opened in shock. I nodded slowly, and looked into his eyes again. He but his hand on my cheek and cupped my face, before kissing me passionately. I melted into the kiss and put my arms around his neck. He put his other hand on my lower back, pulling me into him. 


After a little while, things began to get heated. He started to kiss my jawline and neck as I tilted my head back in pleasure. I took off my shirt, and he continued to kiss me, right at the edge of my bra. He looked up at me pleadingly, and I nodded slowly, as I reached behind me to un-clip my bra. His mouth connected with my nipple and I let out a soft moan. His hands connected with the booty shorts I was wearing and he squeezed my ass. I lifted his head up and kissed him hungrily on the lips. He quickly took off his own shirt before lifting me up. My arms wrapped around his neck, and my legs wrapped his waist as his hands grabbed my ass again. He smacked my ass, causing me to moan a little louder than before. He slammed me against the wall, our make out session getting more and more intense. He started to grind against me as he left multiple hickeys on my neck. 

"John..." I moaned, digging my nails into his shoulders.

"Yeah babe?" He mumbled sexily against my skin.

"Fuck m-" I began to say before the door swung open. John quickly covered me with his chest, as we both looked at the door with wide eyes.

"I FOUND THEM!" Alexander yelled, before looking back at us. "Holy shit are you guys fucking?! LAFAYETTE! HERC! THEY ARE FINALLY FUCKING!"

"FINALLY!" Herc yelled from the other room.

"It took you long enough amoureux!" (love birds!) Lafayette said passing the doorway, with a glass of wine, on the way to the couch. John and I both rolled our eyes as he began to kiss me again and walked to his bedroom. He closed and locked the door and laid me on the bed.

Best. Night. Ever.

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