Bad Choices

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After spending what felt like three hours trying to get ready. We're finally done and I'm ready to get this night over with.

As we hop in the car, I'm not quite sure how tonight's going to go. It's Caleb's friends party. And I'm not looking forward to this.

The suns just set and the stars are out early. But the beautiful sight is ruined by loud shitty techno music running through the two story house in the middle of the street.

There, roughly 20 or so cars are parked along the street and some of the owners are standing around with bottles of sprite and coke in their hands. You do have to feel bad for the designated driver but I'm still glad their here.

When we do get in the front door, you practically get slapped in the face from the smell of the alcohol and sweat. Gross.

Not to mention the amount of sweaty teenagers dancing in Zeke's lounge room.

Christina and I start to head out the back, where we hope it would be less crowded but of course we were wrong.

Walking through the crowd of people, I almost trip and stumble on an empty beer bottle. Getting caught by Zeke who laughs and helps me stand up.

"Are you seriously that drunk?" He says laughing. "Tris it's only 8:45."

"Shut up Zeke I'm not drunk, go play beer pong or something." I tell him smiling walking in the direction of where I saw Christina head off too.

After doing a couple of laps of both the backyard and the house. Christina was no where to be found.

Sighing I walk into the kitchen to find Four, with two bimbos on his arm while he was drinking a beer. Knowing him, his probably already drunk half of the stronger stuff.

As soon as they see me the girls leave, leaving him all by his lonesome. He looks over to me then heads over. Great.

With that cocky smirk written on his face, he walks over. Yep I'm positive his drunk. Getting closer I try to take a step back before hitting myself on the counter. "Shit." I mumble to myself.

"Really Tris, do you hate me that much?" He questions looking slightly sober. "Yes." I answer back confidentially.

He looks at me for a moment stopping in his tracks. "Well then how about I make you like me." He smiles. "Even if it's only for tonight." He walks past me and goes in to the lounge room.

I watch as he gestures to me then points towards the beer pong table. There Christina stands with Will's arm around her, laughing. Looks like he didn't need my help after all.

I slowly walk over to them and I know almost instantly that it's all going to be down hill from here.

For the first couple of rounds, we had won and lost but I was nowhere near drunk or tispy.

The game continued until Christina was laughing at about everyone and everything. But it had also passed the point that by the end of the game. Zeke could hardly stand on his own and needed the support of Four. Who also wasn't so stable but that was just naturally.

I on the other hand, was slightly tipsy but I was completely unaware of my gaming skills. When it came to drinking, I was surprisingly good at it. So by the end neither Four or I had drunk our intended amounts.

This of course didn't bother me in the slightest. But Four on the other hand was pissed. Grabbing my hand softly, we weaved through crowds of people until we had found our selves up stairs.

Secluded from the rest of the party as he shut the door behind me. Sitting me on the edge of the bed gently, I looked up at him with confusion.

"I'll be back." He said before, I guess his running off to get more alcohol from the kitchen, he later returned with several bottles. All but one, I had never seen before.

"What's this?" I questioned, pointing to the bottles, his now placing on the bed behind me. He looked back up at me for a brief second before letting the last bottle leave his hand making it land on the bed.

"These." He said. "Are the things that are going to make you more fun." He answered, taking advantage of my current embarrassment to continue to explain.

"You need to loosen up." He laughed. "You're just way to serious and it's a really big let down." His tone had now changed from joyful to monotone as I had no idea what emotion he was trying to deflect attention from.

But he soon looked back In my direction. Scanning over my face he looks down and picks up the first bottle.

"But I know for a fact that you're fun." He smiles. "In the right circumstances."and with that he hands me the first open bottle.

"Just don't think about it." He added. "Act like it's lemonade." We laugh before I take a sip.

The alcohol burns but not for long as liquor moves through my system. Having a small coughing fit I look up at him. "That does not taste like lemonade." I deadpan but he just laughs harder.

"I'm glad you're finding this entertaining." I say handing him the bottle. Taking a few sips quickly he hands it back to me, moving closer to take a seat next to me on the bed.

"Can I tell you a joke?" I asked beginning to not think straight. He nods joyfully, smiling like an idiot.

"Okay, what did the toilet say to the other toilet?" I ask. "What?" Four replies taking the last sip of the bottle before opening the next one.

"Man you look flushed." I reply back now not being able to hold in my laughter. He soon follows and we're both laughing.

Yep, soon I'll look back on this moment and completely regret it with every ounce of my being but for now I'll act like I just owned it. Which it didn't.

After a while, I just realise; I'm laughing at Four for laughing at me because I was just laughing because of how I laughed. And my joke was completely forgotten.

The third bottle had been finished but I stopped Four mid sip. As he turned to look at me I had realised something.

"If this was any other night without alcohol, I would have choked you by now." I tell him. "Or I would have beaten you with a stick or something." I clarify, laughing.

But he doesn't say anything instead he presses his lips to mine. After a moment he pulls away, smiling. "I know." Is all he says.

Before I know what I'm doing I moving in to kiss him again. But as my mind is practically screaming for me to stop my body just won't listen.

Bringing both of my hands up to bring him ever so slightly closer. I take this as the only time, I could ever be with a guy like Four and have an excuse behind me. 'Cause I was drunk' seems to be a common one. Why couldn't I use it too.

As the night grew shorter it was a lot more despite and needy then I would of liked it to be. Although I would of liked it to be with any other person but my drunk mind doesn't quite think that way.

As we slowly remove our clothes my restraint on the whole idea was slowly going out the window as Four pulled me in close....

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