Lets Talk

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Huggles and I stayed in that position for who knows how long. He sorta pulled me on his lap and I rested my head against his chest. I felt his knees rested on my sides.

I realized what position we were in after a while and pulled away slightly, I didn't realize how loose his grip on me had become.

"S-so um.. I might need to-"

"Please-! Please don't leave..! Not right now- Aiden please..!"

I bit my lip, there was no way I could say no.

"Al-alright.. I'll have to call my mom later and tell her I'm staying.." Why the hell was I stuttering.

He nodded and then pulled me back snuggling his head into the crook of my neck.

I felt my face heat up, what the heck?!

Do I have a fever?!

I put my hands on his chest and pulled myself up. I try to make my voice as steady as I could.

"Where did that alcohol come from?" I asked and he avoided eye contact with me.


"Okay, okay... I may have a little.. Problem.. With drinking.."

"Are you serious?!" I'm almost shouting at him, "You're only like 15! How does that even happen?!" He bit his lip this time.

"I-i went to a party w-with Ted 2 years ago and they had alcohol and I just- got hooked.."

I picked up the beer bottle. "Do you have anymore..?"

He was quiet for a minute before nodding his head and pointing to the only bed that had blankets on it.

I got up dusting my knees real quick.

"Under right?" I asked, and he nodded again.

I got down on my knees and grabbed 4 bottles.
"This.." I started walking to the trashcan, "Is going to end right now." I dropped them in but I couldn't really read his expression.

I walk back over to him and offer my hand, he takes it and I help him up.
Jeez, I forgot how taller he is compared to me.

He's already trying to get handsy with me again but I wasn't in the mood right now.

"Do you have any games and stuff?" I asked.

"Ah, no, I use to play only on all the other kids games... But they left.."
Oh no, I shouldn't have asked, this time I hugged him.

"Itsokwedonthavetoplaygames.." I said really fast not wanting him to get that sad again.

He seemed to be shocked at the fact that I actually was the first to make contact this time.

But he wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his smile, but not in the creepy way, a nice warm way.
I smiled a little to.

"We don't have any games... But we have a TV in the workers lounge.. They let me use it when ever I want, you want to watch a movie..?"

I looked up at him and nodded my head and I swear I saw his face go a little pink but he shook his head real quick.


Soon we were settled down on the lounge sofa in front of the pretty big TV. Munching on popcorn and watching Rango.

"This is the weirdest movie ever..! The main character is literally a pyscopathic lizard!" I started complaining already not even 20 minutes in to the movie.

"Yeah but wait until he meets another badass sarcastic lizard! That's when it gets interesting!" I was about to say something but he shushed me as the part he was talking about happened.

The relationship between the two barely progressed until almost the end of the movie where they kissed and I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna watch another?" He asked as the credits started rolling.

"Yeah, but is Disney and Pixar all you really have?" He laughed a little and I was glad he was feeling better, "Well this is an orphanage for little kids.."

I grunted before he popped in 101 Dalmatians.

I don't know when it happened or when I even realized it but I ended up in his arms during halfway through the movie.

I wanted to pull away but I didn't, probably because it was so comfortable.

Its like they swallowed me up and surrounded me in a protective wrap or warmth.

A little after the movie, my mom called and asked where I was. I told her I was staying the night with a friend and she didn't say anymore.

Huggles says he's got me covered for jammies letting me borrow some of his. Which, by the time it was time to put them on, I realized were huge on me.

The shirt went all the way down to my sides and I almost tripped over the pants legs, Huggles laughed. "Its a good look for you..!"

"Shut up."

"But you look so cu-!"


He stayed quiet after that though he was still smiling.

My face felt hot again, and that was just from the fact that I was wearing HIS clothes.

I hate feeling like this but I love it at the same time. Why am I acting up like this..?

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