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"Man! Your band members are a riot!" I laughed as we started to unload the groceries (65% of it was just watermelons) from the car that Chu Chu let us borrow.
The past few days have been awesome, for starters, we got are Pinky back, then I got released and Ted and I literally went everywhere together.
It felt so good to be free!
Foofy was at my feet in an instant mewling for food, I told him to wait for a moment cause I had to put the food away.
I revisited my Cat Army, I think Jimmy still remembers me cause he scratched me on the arm when I tried to pet him.
Good ol Jimmy.
I think Elizabeth is pregnant again already, her other kits are already almost grown up.
I met Gear and Mark, and watched them with Ted and Nick do "American Idiot" by: Green Day that was sooo cool, Ted sounded amazing!
(And not gonna lie he looked pretty hot)
But hey I'm aloud to say that since we're dating.
"Hey Ted?" I called, he was in the back where he had a special place for his watermelons.
"Hm?" He replied not looking back.
"I just wanted to say you looked rather hot today." I said casually and it was silent.
After a minute, Ted's head peaked from behind the door frame, his face was completely red.
I laughed and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck as I kissed him lightly.
I'm just so happy with him.


When it started getting late we both didn't feel like cooking or ordering food so we just made cereal and popcorn for dinner.
We were snuggled on the couch with a giant blanket watching the the season finally of "The Skeleton Channel" in are jammies.
The skeleton and the human were getting married and the chapel guy asked if there were any objections and suddenly a zombie burst through the door and said "I do!"
Apparently he was in love with the skeleton bride all along.
I was leaning on Ted's chest as I tried to get him caught up on what led to this scene since he missed so many episodes.
Foofy was asleep purring in my lap as I pet him.
"So this last time the skeleton saw the zombie it was with the human so the skeleton couldn't say much to him in the first pla-"
I was cut off when I felt Ted's lips press against the back of my ear slightly.
I flushed as I felt his breath.
We both didn't say anything as he started to kiss over that area and he soon went lower.
I felt as he began to slightly suck on my skin, the lower he got the harder he sucked.
I think I might've moaned or something because he stopped for a moment, I turned to look at his face and his eyes were half lidded as he connected are lips but I let him have total control as I felt his tongue poke through my mouth.
He started doing this amazing thing with his tongue and my mouth when he suddenly pulled away making me whine slightly.
Nooo... Come baaaaccckk..
Why did he stop?!
His mouth was in the crook if my neck and he sucked really hard, it felt so sensitive under him that I let out another moan, panting slightly still from the kiss, it had left me breathless.
It felt soooo good....
Ow! Ow! Ow!
"Ted stop!"
He pulled away quickly.
Something really sharp had pierced my skin slightly.
"Are you okay?!" Ted asked looking frantic.
"Y-yeah... Sorry just.. What the heck was that?"
"Oh um.. I think my teeth brushed against your skin a little.."
He opened his mouth to show very pointed teeth that I hadn't noticed before.
"Whoa that's like scary cool! Like you're a vampire or some shit.."
"I don't know what they heck they are..all I know is that my dad has them to.. Must be some genetic mutation running in his family..."
"Hm, its still really cool." I say kissing him lightly.
I wonder how far we would have gone if I didn't ask him to stop.
That makes me happy though that he has some self control, (unlike Mark who just literally finds away to convince Gear to do it anyway)
Ted is so sweet and makes me feel safe, (not saying I'm helpless, I meant if I need backup or something he's there for me)
But still, I wonder how much it would escalate... What if we..?
I mean, if Ted's ready, I'm ready..
My face heat up slightly as we continued to watch reruns now.
Him holding me real close as I leaned back into him.

)honestly if someone figured out if Ted and Chris did it I think Chris would just blush lightly and carry on with life while Ted would start twitching and acting guilty and his face would be extremely red as he stuttered cutely and aww(

)Also, if this story reaches over 10k I'll do a Q&A with all of the characters in this story, you can ask each character as many questions as you like and it can be literally on anything! Thanks!(

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