Big News: Nick Needs To Chill

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I was happy for once.
Actually like smiling happy.
Despite all the bad things happening (I'm still not sure what's actually happening with Aiden and Huggles but for right now I choose to ignore it.)
A lot of good things were happening to.
Like, Chris is going to have his freedom back tomorrow, so we can finally go out together on a date or something.
My parents liked Chris which was great, I was on good terms with my dad, and a bunch of other stuff that made me feel happy.
( I mean, it might just be the antidepressants finally working but I seriously doubt it.)
I was at work serving up a customers mango\kiwi smoothie telling them the specials and shit with an actually real smile instead of that fake one Cherry (the manager) forces me to do.
I stopped, swearing I heard my name being called in the distance.
Shrugging after a minute I turned back to the counter to get a smoothie for table 9.
I stopped abruptly as a Nick burst through the door looking like he had ran a marathon which really wasn't like him because he was always so relaxed.
I mean still crazy, just more calm.
He ran over to me and literally jumped on me, luckily I hadn't picked up the smoothie yet because he knocked me to the ground.
"Nick! Dude what the actual Frick?!"
"Ted! You gotta help me! They're keeping my babies captive!"
I blinked playing that sentence in my head over again.
"Wait slow down!" I tell him as I keep his arms still from frantic hand gesturing.
I went over and gave the poor confused customer her drank as I then pulled Nick into a chair across from me.
"Okay start from the beginning, and speak real English please."
He took a deep breath.
"Okay so there are these two guys I like to hang out with named Gear and Mark, Gear has a little sister named Fork that talks about Huggles a lot,"
I recalled a girl named Fork that Huggles mentioned once or twice.
"well they sorta have a garage band that they set up and recently the drummer and the main vocalist skipped town and I offered to be drummer cause I know how to play and Gear happened to be watching one of your videos and wishing we had someone like you to be the bands singer and I accidentally let it slip that you were my friend and then Mark took away my children until I introduce you to them so please Ted you gotta help me!"
I blinked, "Children?"
He looked at me like I was hopeless.
"My Roller skates!"
I didn't even know he roller skated.
I had a faint recall of Gear and Mark, they were the after school science club kinda people that loved to invent things won prizes at the science fair.
I had no idea they were into music.
"Ted I'm literally begging you..!" Nick said frantically with wide eyes as he pulled at my shirt.
I tugged out of his grip.
"Nick you know I don't do offers.."
"You don't have to work with them! You just gotta meet them! For the love of god Ted! JUST MEET THEM!"
I shushed him. "Keep your voice down I've got customers..!"
He started whimpering and giving me puppy eyes.
I sighed rolling my eyes.
"Alright I'll meet them.. What time?"
"After work!"
"But I was going to hang out with Chris!"
"Ted..!" He whined again.
"Alright, alright, let me text him..."
I got out my phone with a new watermelon themed case and told him I was going to be late.
"There. Done."
"Thank you so much I owe you big time..!"
"That you do Nick, that you do."

)so this happened earlier:
Me: *sees friend reading KnT* hey! I didn't know you liked z-toons!
Friend: yeah! I've been obsessed recently!
Me: that's so cool! Who's your favorite character?! Mines Huggles!
Friend: Ted obvi. But you know what I ship? Taiden! (Ted x Aiden) but I can't stand Tedris! Like, its so ew and Chris is such a stupid useless character!
Me: :-)
Me: *points to door*
Me: get out.

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