If Only...

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If Only...
By: Me

If only I wasn't so shy
If only you didn't need to save my hide
From those I refuse to despise

If only I never received what you called a blessing
If only you never needed to tell me to keep flying
Then I wouldn't need to keep hiding

If only grief didn't make me fly away
If only you didn't feel the needs to my emotions at bay
Then you would be by my side to this day
And reach all your dreams

If only I actually tried not to be tied below
If only I could have taken that final blow
Then you would have been happy to know
That I would have been freed and flown

If only he didn't make it so I couldn't bleed
If only he listened to my plea
Everyone would be better off without me

Now to this day
I stare at the stone where you lay
For an hour, maybe three; I stay
"Please come home" I pray

So many times I've tried
So many times I've lied
How much I so wish to die

You say that I have friends
That I should stay with them until the end

But what happens if their end comes before mine
I'll be trapped in this cruel thing called time
Not that I don't love you but I wish you could be out of my mind

I hope you understand
How much I want to hold your hand
Without you this world is so bland

When I sleep I see your loving stare
A life without you I just can't bare
Just to hear your sweet voice one more time is all I dare

Sometimes I try to find
Where fate decided to draw our line
Wait, now I know in the back of my mind

If only that dragon hadn't opened his eyes...

Disclaimer: This poem is not about me, so I'm all good -.^

A/N: I am so fudging proud of this! I haven't written poetry in somewhere around 4, 5 years or something. And that was the type they force on you in elementary school.

Mini Contest: First person to decode three things in this poem, gets their OC featured in two of my books of their choice. If you choose the art book then tell me what you want me to do for you. If you choose my stories then you can have an OC appear in them (details on that later). Lastly, if you choose my RP book then you can make up your own scenario.

Anyone after can have the same only just for one.

Till next time my cookie squad 🍪

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