〰 The "date" 〰

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Lacey went home earlier. She didnt care anymore if Granny short her payment, she was more interested in getting to meet Mr Gold. Once she get to her apartment she change her dirty work clothes for a blue dress, she curled her hair and put a jacket on since it was cold outside and the sun started to hide now. When she was finally ready she took her keys and a scarf going outside.

Mr Gold was beyond excited and happy for getting Belle to go on a "date" with him. He wasnt going to push her away this time, he wanted her to be with him even if she didnt remember who he was. Once he was ready he got outside his house getting inside his car and driving to the park. He got there sooner than he expected so he sat at a bench checking every two minutes to see if Belle was around.

She walked all the way from her apartment to the park. She looked for him but she couldnt find him, the park was huge and some trees blocked her view to the other part of the park. She eventually found him sat at the bench and smiled walking to him. She place her hand on his shouldet trying not to startled him.

"Hi..." she said softly looking at him with a soft  smile as well

He turned and froze for a moment staring at her blue eyes, soft skin and bright smile not knowing what to say or how to react.

Lacey chuckled as his reaction "uhm... is everything okay?"  She asked. She thoigh it was kind of cute the way he acted and started to think that maybe he had feeling for her.

After a moment he reacted still a little froze "You... you look beautiful..." he mumbled and thrn realized what he said  "I mean uhm... you... uh..." he tried to fix what he said but it was too late for that "hi..." he finished as he stand.

Lacey smiled and chuckled again and blushed a little "thank you and..." she stopped for a moment as she notice him holding a rose.

He got confused when she stopped talking and watch her look down at his hand. "I though you may want one...you can have it if you want" he said as he offered her the red flower he was still holding.

She smiled and scoffed as she took softly the rose. "Thank you..." she didnt knew what to think anymore. He was for sure not the monster the whole town talked about. She smelled the rose and smiled. It had been a long time since she didnt saw a rose or smell one and it was her favourite flower. "So... would you like to walk a little?" She asked trying to be nice.

He nodded as he started to walk with her around the park.

They spend almost two hours just walking around, seeing the flowers in the park and getting to meat each other. He enjoyed every second with her. She enjoyed it as well, she still felt she had already known him before but something was blocking her memories. After a long walk he finally decided to let her go and asked if she wanted him to take her home wich she agreed.

"So Lacey... do you have family here?" He asked wanting to still talked to her in the time that they had left.

"Oh yeah... I got my father but... he is actually the reason I work in Grannys..." she responded

"What? Why?" He asked in confusion

"We got a fight and he kicked me out of home so Ruby kindly invited me to work with her... but its not really my thing... I never liked working there to be honest..." she didnt wanted to talk about that so she tried to change the subject and asked "so... Mr Gold, why did you invited me out?"

He grew angered as he heard Belle talking about his father kicking her out but tried to not show it as he then listen to her question and smiled forgeting the last thing she talked about "I think its a better idea if I ask you why you decided to say yes to my invitation? Considering Im the monster of the town" He asked curious.

She looked at him as they both kept walking "you're not a monster. People should not judge you if they havent even get to know you. You know... you cant judge someone without knowing the full story so..."

Suddenly Mr Gold tripped as he heard her words recognizing every part of them.

Lacey grabbed quickly his arm helping him "wow... are you okay?"

It took him some time to react and finally he maked something up "yes is just that... I knew someone who aaid that exact same thing to me... Im sorry please continue..."

She looked at him and decided to continue after making sure he was okay "I wanted to give you a chance and... now that I know you... you're not who I though you were and Im glad..." she stopped walking looking at him with a smile."

He smiled back and though for a second and got an idea "Lacey... if ... if you would like... you could work with me in the pawnshop..." he suggested

"Work with you?"

{Hey guys! Im sorry it took so long to post this part and Im so sorry but finally here it is. I really hope you like it
Please do let me know if you still like the plot and if you dont like something of it. I'll try to post new parts of the story on Saturdays and Wensdays. Thank you all for reading!}

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