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Without question, Peter Pan had always wielded the most power. He was the first lost boy. He had a certain power about him that radiated in such a way that you couldn't help but follow him. It just seemed foolhardy not to. All the inhabitants of Neverland submitted to his rule. Well, all but one: Y/N.

That snarky, rebellious girl refused to give in to his rule. Her insubordination irked him to no end. For a while he had just assumed that it would just take her a bit longer to yield to his rule than the others. That assumption could not have been more inaccurate.

She fought against any and every tactic he tried harder than anyone had before. He had to constantly think of new ways to catch her off guard, a majority of which failed. She pushed him to his limits of tolerance, making his level of aggravation sore of the charts. She downright refused to be controlled. Although, no matter how much he tried to ignore it, a secret part of him enjoyed their verbal altercations.

She intrigued him. No one had challenged his law so much as she had. She didn't seem intimidated by him either, which was something he had never dealt with before. Everyone feared the ruthless and vicious Peter Pan. Everyone but Y/N.

And the most perplexing thing- the lost boys liked her. Devin he could understand; she had helped him. They had become friends quickly, and he suspected more, but that was a separate topic altogether. However, even Felix would sometimes listen in when she told stories around the campfire. She helped the younger boys, and even comforted them when they normally would've received ridicule and been made fun of. At night, when one of them would cry, she was always there at a moment's notice to reassure them that everything was okay.

It was downright infuriating! No matter how much he tried, he couldn't understand her! He couldn't control her! She was a complex enigma. He loathed her, and she hated him back with equal measure, perhaps even more. And yet she still remained kind to the lost boys? Why?! None of it made any bloody sense, and he was downright fed up with her.


"Something on your mind, Felix?" Pan appeared next to Felix, startling the lost boy out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, actually." Felix nodded towards Y/N who sat talking to James, Jack, and Devin on the other side of the camp. "Why the girl? It's been what? Hundreds of years? Why change now?"

Pan frowned. "I told you before, she washed up on the shore-"

"But why bring her here? Why not just have your shadow take her back to wherever she came from?"

"No one leaves Neverland."

"You made that rule, and you enforce it. She obviously doesn't like it here, so why are you making her stay?" Felix pressed.

"Listen, Felix," Pan's eyes blazed with anger. "It is none of your business why Y/N is here. What I do and why I do it is none of your concern, and if you have any more questions, you can take it up with the mermaids." Pan turned to leave when he heard a snicker behind his back.

"Whoa... You're sweet on her."

A sword materialized in Pan's hand, and in one swift movement he had Felix pinned to a tree, blade against his throat. His voice was low and deadly quiet as to not attract the attention of the lost boys and Y/N. "You better listen up laddie, because I'm saying this once and only once." Pan growled at his second in command with a ferocity that Felix had never seen before. Not that he hadn't ever become that vicious, but that this simply was a different type of anger. Defensive anger. "I do not fancy any girl, nor will I ever. Y/N is nothing more than a toy for me to play with. She means nothing to me."


When everyone else was going hunting: "Y/N, stay here and watch the littleuns."

Or: "On second thought, why don't you stay back and make dinner?"

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