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Devin was disposed of quickly enough. Quickly, cleanly, and better than he deserved.

The lost boys, as always, adored Y/N. The little ones would always run to her when they had nightmares, and- out of earshot from the happy couple- called Y/N "mom" and Peter "dad". The older lost boys quickly learned to curb their derogatory speech (Devin was a pretty great example of what happens to you when you speak ill of the Queen of Neverland.) and they too enjoyed Y/N's company.

Pan remained cruel and ruthless... to everyone but Y/N. She brought out the best in him, and he protected her. Evan was sunshine and saltwater, courage, ambition, kindness, and righteous fury. Peter was darkness and cedar woods, revenge, wrath, and violence with impunity. She was a storm, and he was a subtle vengeance.

But, as with all stories, this one must also come to an end. The sun is setting on Neverland tonight as I write this, and I know I must return to camp soon. But allow me to leave you with a token of knowledge.

I found love where it wasn't supposed to be. Right in front of me. I hope that one day, you too find love. Your life may fall to pieces, and you may become lost amongst the swirling waves that toss and turn and blind you. But hold on. Because one day, you will be found. 


Hey guys, jackolanterninjuly here! I hope you enjoyed this Peter Pan x Mermaid!Reader fic! It is also available on my Tumblr (link in profile), so if you see it on there, it probably wasn't stolen (my url is letdecemberburninflames). 

Love and Luck From Brooklyn, 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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