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Devin's plan was reckless, dangerous, and haphazard. But Y/N couldn't have cared less. She would have given anything, even her life to escape. She knew Devin was right. Pan would never let her leave, unless he was dead.

Y/N slid a sheathed knife into the shaft of her boot, and set off to find Pan. This task, as it turned out, wasn't hard. He had slipped off into the jungle, just outside the camp boundaries. She found him leaned against a tree, eyes open and glaring, obviously deep in thought.

"Pan?" She called softly as she walked up to him.

He shook himself out of his thoughts, and looked up to see the girl who had greeted him. "Y/N."

"Why... Why-"

"Why did I bring you back?" Pan arched an eyebrow. "Because you belong here."

Y/N shook her head, walking closer. "No I don't." She murmured. "I don't belong anywhere. Not in the sea, not on land, and certainly not here."

Pan pushed himself off the tree, leaving hardly a foot in between them. "You belong here because I said you do." His voice, like his features were unreadable. "I was bored, needed a new game to play."

"So that's all I am?" Y/N stared deep into his chartreuse eyes. "A game. A toy, a mouse for a cat to play with."

"That's all you ever were." Pan spoke without thinking, and instantly regretted it.

In the split second in which he was contemplating what to say next, Y/N had a knife in her hand. The moonlight glinted off the blade, flashing silver. The cold color reflected the fear and doubt in her eyes. She turned the blade in her hands, plunging it towards his heart.

Pan easily stopped the blade, and it fell from her hands, hitting the ground with a soft thud. He stared with horror at the girl he loved as she turned and fled.


"You failed." Devin growled down at the girl who sat by the edge of the pond, weeping. She sat on the shore, not an inch of skin touching the water.

She didn't reply, didn't even turn to acknowledge him. Her shoulders were quaking, her entire body trembling like a leaf in the breeze. Her lack of attention only angered Devin more.

"We had one chance. ONE!" He shouted at her. "He saw us planning it. I know he did. He knows EVERYTHING! And now- now he's gonna be after us! I DEMAND- I DESERVE TO BE IN CONTROL!"

Devin continued his tirade, accenting his words with cursing, staccato, vibrato, and harsh crescendo. All the while, Y/N continued to sob. He worked himself up, voice echoing across the water. His teeth were bared, muscles tensed, and every aggressive action was strongly pronounced for unwatching eyes. He was maniacal, sardonic, bordering on psychotic.

"YOU WANTED DEATH?" Devin practically howled. "I'll show you death."

He caught the weeping girl's arm, yanking her harshly to her feet. Fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in his narrowed eyes as he weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available to him for exacting revenge. Devin, fueled with righteous hatred, easily dragged Y/N with him. Through the jungle, down a path she was unfamiliar with. His footsteps pounded on the earth, snapping twigs, crushing flora, and sending fauna scurrying in fear of his god-complex.

They stopped once they reached a clearing. Through blurred vision, Y/N could make out a tightly knit circle of trees bushes that ringed the clearing, shielding the sea of green from outside eyes.

Devin dragged her to the center of the clearing, rolling his eyes at the sounds falling from Y/N's lips. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. Y/N sank to her knees, not caring for the damp mud and lush ground plants that dirtied and stained her clothes. Her tears mingled with the suffocating humidity and her gasping wails echoed around the clearing. There was not a witness in sight to comfort her, save the trees which held their breath as they watched the events unfold before them.

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