Salmon button up

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After 30 minutes of the girls running around singing along to My Chemical Romance, which I learned Gerard Way was the lead singer for, for a while, I got up and decided to get ready. I was really excited and nervous. I didn't want to mess up because this is our first date and I don't want to mess anything up. Wait is this a date? I dont know...

I had Oak go pick up flowers for me so I had time to get dressed and make arrangements. Am I over doing this? I probably am. The last time I went on a date was with her.

I quickly cleared my mind and walked up the 3 fights of stairs in our apartment building. I grabbed the keys out my backpack and opened the door. When I walked in Anthony was knocked out sleep sprawled on the couch laying on his stomach with some of his limbs hanging off. I laughed quietly and made my way to my room.

I opened my door with a small squeak and closed it behind me. I kicked off my shoes, threw my bag somewhere and plopped onto my unmade bed. We were running late this morning so I didn't bother with it.

I layed staring at my white ceiling for a few minutes to relax. Sighing I got up and threw off my sweatshirt. I took off my jeans and grabbed a towel off of the hook and loosely draped it over my shoulder. Gently I opened the door to try not to squeak my door and closed it behind me.

I took off the rest of my clothes and turned on hot water and adjusted the  temperature with cold water. Smiling with satisfaction I climbed in and took a shower. I hope this date goes well. I laughed quietly as I saw a rubber ducky and began creating a rap about it in my mind.


I took one last look at myself in the mirror. My shoestrings were tucked in, my jeans accompanied my shirt nicely, my salmon button up had no wrinkles, I had my glasses, and I was wearing a watch. My hair was actually somewhat tamed for once too.

I slipped my phone and keys into my pocket and made my way towards the door.

"I told you one would catch your eye!" Anthony shouted.



"Shut up."

"Okay. Have fun!" and with that he focused his attention back to the movie he was watching.

"Alright see you later Ramos," I closed the door and ran to my car. I wanted to drive Michelle in a car and not have to worry about the crowded sidewalks.

I drove there and it took 2 minutes. Oak texted and said he was on his way. I have 30 minutes to spare. I let out a small breath I didn't realize I was holding in. Now all I have to do is wait.

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