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Well damn another dude?! First Gerard and now this trenchcoat blue eyed guy. Who wears trench coats?...well Lin does but gahhh

"H-hi i'm Michelle but I go by Misha too. Heh....heh" she gave a small wave.

"Well "Misha" im Misha too. Nice to meet your acquaintance" he smiled out of the side of his mouth and showed off his perfect white teeth. I don't like him already. I looked him over with caution and made an effort to flex slightly as I crossed my arms in front of me.

"Hey you're Daveed Diggs! I saw the show a few days and you were really great. I wish I could rap like you...or at all," He laughed and crinkles rounded his eyes.

Maybe he's not so bad...

"Oh um thanks," I cleared my throat awkwardly. Misha we cool now.

"Could I get a picture with you? Im a big fan," she squirmed anxiously in her seat and held out her phone

"Sure! Here i'll take it," Misha came around and sat by Michelle. "You want on one this?" he looked at me

"Sure, why not," I smiled and slid over next to Misha.

"Say 'Jared you need to cut your hair'!" Misha held out the phone at his full arm length and widened his eyes while puffing out his cheeks with air. Michelle held up a peace sign and pursed her lips while blushing and laughing. I just smiled because I didn't know this Jared guy he was talking about.

"Hey! I heard that Collins," An extremely tall guy with long came to our booth and sat down.

His hair looked so silky and soft. Heck I dont think he even does anything with it in the morning. He probably just sings songs to it and it fixes itself.

"Ew guys it's Padalecki" Misha came back with sass.

"Hi i'm Daveed, nice to meet you," I smiled and shook his hand

"Likewise Jefferson," He smirked and shook my hand back.

"You say the show too?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, the whole cast went!" Jared raise his voice in excitement.

"Yeeeee," Michelle was ready to burst from excitement.

A little buzz went out all around the table. We all confused checked our phones.

"Sorry guys we gotta go. The big guy needs us on set to film," he said apologetically and stood up putting his phone back in his pocket.

"What do you mean 'big guy'! He's right here!" Michelle laughed while looking up at Jared's towering height. Jared laughed.

"Nice meeting you guys. Bye!" I watched as he jogged away and Misha was already in the car.

"Bye-bye..." Michelle frowned.

"It's okay we'll see them again on tv!" I tried to cheer her up.

"I guess so..." she buzzed her lips

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