Chapter 3: Surprise~!

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Taking a few deep breaths, I have managed to calm down. I have only finished the first chapter, but look what it did to me! I sighed; I hope the next one is not that melancholic as the first one. I flipped the next page and again it is very dusty, and some of the writing is barely readable. I blew it off again. My, how the dust cloud was so thick! After it had finally cleared, I'm no longer in the library... again.

Hmm, this house seems so familiar. Someone's coming! I though as a car was stops in front of the house. And to my surprise, it was parents who came out of the car. I saw my mom carrying a baby, which was me, and walked towards the door with dad carrying their luggage. "Okay honey, this will be our new house!" I heard my dad say, "This is the perfect place for our amazing son to grow!". "Oh Harold, we really made the right decision in moving in this town. It looks so peaceful and our house is beautiful!" my mother said.

My dad opened the door and they both went inside, closing the door with a thud. I was left alone in our front yard. "No wonder this house was so familiar" I said to myself, "This was my home... a home soon filled with constant fighting and slamming of doors...". I heaved out a sigh and thought Wonder how this story will turn out... I hope, in the very least, that I have something to laugh for... And indeed I have.

I heard a scream from the house. It made me jump, and I ran inside. I climbed up the stairs where I presumed the source of that scream was. "What the...?" I said. I thought they saw something dead or whatever, but what I saw was utterly different. Two pairs of adults; one was my parents while the other was an old couple. Who could they be? My mind pondered for a moment until my mom spoke "Mom, Dad! Oh my gosh, you're actually here!" She came rushing to them, giving them a tight embrace. I was thankful that my dad was carrying me or else I would have been thrown by my shocked mother to who-knows-where. "Surprise!" my grandmother said as my grandfather was laughing hard.

Wait. If these people are my grandparents, how come I never saw them? "Aah!" I shouted as I fell on my knees, gripping my head. The pain is so painful! My headache is acting up again! Then I collapsed on the floor as another memory rushes in to my mind. I saw... me? A four -year-old me? Huh? "Mommy..." I heard me say... wait did that even sound right? "Mommy... why are you crying?" "Big bro... is mommy alright?" I saw my little brother shaking the side of my shirt. I saw us walking towards mom, with the phone in her hands, with a sad look in our eyes.

My mother looked at us and said with a shaky voice "Uh-uhm... mommy is alright... it's... it's just... sigh... Kids, remember what we said that your grandparents are coming to visit?" I saw me and brother nodded slowly, confusion written in our faces. "Well..." my mother continues, "They can't... not anymore...". "H-huh? Why? They don wanna see us?" I heard myself asked, on the verge of tears. "No, James! Heaven's no... they both loved you dearly... What I mean is... they can no longer see you... not anymore..." As she finishes her sentence, here tears fell again and hugged us both. We too cried with our mom. Thinking that we would never see our grandparents again... whom we haven't have the slightest chance to spend time with them.

I saw my dad rushing inside and saw us in such a state. My mother saw dad giving her a knowing look, and then turned to us "Kids, please go up to your room and play... I'll call you when dinner is ready." She said with a small smile on her face. "Yes mommy" I replied as I grabbed my brother's hand, "let's go up Nate..." With a nod from my brother, we made our way up. I saw my dad rush to my mother and gave her a loving hug. I heard my dad said when I heard my mom whimper "Shhh... It's okay... everything will be okay... It was an unfortunate accident... I'm sorry about mom and dad..." "It's okay Harold... I'm fine.. really" my mom said as she composes herself "I just never imagined that they w-would leave us so early... especially James and Nathan.." At that, a surge of pain shocked my head again... The memory starts to fade, and I was now thrashing and crying on the floor until I've calmed down. And I thought I would have something to laugh about... 

After my mental feat, I noticed that I'm alone upstairs so I went down. "No wonder I never met them, let alone knew them... they were gone when I was just four..." I sighed. I saw my parents and grandparents at the door. They're already leaving? "I know it's too soon but we have to leave" My grandfather said. "Aww, I wish I could spend more time with my beautiful grandson!" Grandmother said. My parents chuckled and mom said "Mom, you can come and visit anytime! And dad, remember to take your meds." "Sigh... I know, I know" Grandfather said. "Give us a call when you got home!" My dad added as my parents went inside their car. And with a final wave goodbye, they drove back home.

That would be the last and probably the only time I would see my grandparents. Then everything starts to blur... and before me was like a slideshow of what happened in the next few months... I saw my dad making a face when I peed on him... Now that was funny I thought... Next I saw mom and dad, with heavy bags in their eyes, taking turns waking up when I cried at night...  LOL, you should've seen their faces! Mom looked like Amy Winehouse with giant bags and dad looked like a hobo! Another was when dad tried to feed me, but I was tapping the feeding table with my palms so hard, eventually splashing him with baby food all over him...

But the thing that made me laughed so hard was when my dad was ready to leave for work and my mom was at the door with him until they heard "me" cry. They threw whatever they were holding and rushed inside my room only to see I was sound asleep. "Huh?!" They wondered, only to find out that they left their TV on with a commercial of a crying baby... "Rosa, we have to turn off the TV..." My mother chuckled and kissed my dad and said "Dear, not just turn it off... but to put it in mute until his old enough!" Now I know where I got my sarcasm.

With a heavy gasped, I woke up. I blinked a few times and wiped the drool off my face. By the way my head still hurts! But enough of that... I scanned the area... Oh! I'm back at library! I opened the book, and the words are back. Finally, at least I didn't cry (sort of) in the second chapter. Maybe there are still something more to this book than meets the eye. And what truly surprised me is that this book holds the memories I thought I wouldn't even remember.  Okay, then on to the next chapter! Hold on! I wonder what Gabriel is doing? Hmm? 

Author's Notes:

Finally! I updated my story! I was so busy with our RLE and didn't seem to have the time, but only with my poems... Sigh... Oh well! I hope you'll like my story! This is to test if I'm really capable of doing something like this~!

Please review! And vote if it is truly worthy~! Thanks!

Also, the world famous festival, the "Dinagyang Festival" is just around the corner! Hala Bira~!

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