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Put on your mask
It's time for your show
It's time to pretend that you never knew
About the demons
That's wait in front row
That you don't where a mask to hide your secrets
It's to hide everyone's else's
So make sure you smile too
Because why frown
When it so true
That your world is perfectly played out
Why cry?
Because your life is a sold out show
Ignore the tears of the crowd
And the cracks in their heart
As they clap their part
Put on your show
Because you might fall a part
People might see all the lies you tell
Might see the way your body breaks
Under the applause
Of the crowd that is nothing but broken souls
Hold your mask high
Or you might just fall with them
Slip off the stage
And break the act
God Forbid
I break the act

Inspiration: family

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