Old Enough*

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Truths are spoken and dropped as lies
In frightful fragile fingers
To clasp like delicate butterflies
At only six years old never taught
That beauty lies in those skies
Like hell is said to be lined with light
And devil fire flies.

At that age small bits of reality pick
And that laughter masked as Christmas cheer
Is broken to a tiny soul who realizes St. Nick
Lied like the white in his beard
I guess holiday magic wasn't supposed to stick

Years drag on and soon you're nine
And Trouble is only when you can't sleep in
Though slowly like fine wine
Sincere apologies start to spill in
And suddenly you don't shine
Just like your mama said
You realize aren't so perfect at age nine

Then the clock drags on in timeless bands
And all at once you're twelve
Just starting to hold the world in your hands
Plans you finally had under control
Begin to slip through fingers like invisible sand
You realize you're far to small to have it all
Your youthful hope loses that ability to
Rhyme with approachable dreams
That seem to be losing its punch line

The years go on and everything changes
For you're almost sixteen
And it hit your growing mind
That you're still not ready
You'll never be ready
Because those white lies through all the ages
Have always dripped a bloody red
And your heart will never be ready to see
It spill all over that white tile floor

Thus, Days go on and on
You start to realize how hard it never was
Because you start to realize that when you believed in the lies
Life still brought you down
but you had solid ground
To rest your tiny naive head every night
Sweet and sound

But then as instantaneously
As the sun comes up and
Burns everything to Hell

You become "old enough"
And the world opens up
Swallowing you whole
Bringing your world upside down
For you're finally "Old enough"
For these truths of the wicked witches
And every nasty spell

You've never realize you'll never be
Ready to get un-hypnotized
No matter how many years flash by
You'll never be old enough to hear that your world is a

Inspiration: Family

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